Chapter 9

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It was Thursday, around 5:30pm, they'd been filming all day, and were currently just sitting on the couches in the studio. Anthony was on one, and Ian on the other, because guess who had stopped by, that's right, Jake.

Anthony was sitting on his phone, as Ian and Jake cuddled up next to each other, talking. Anthony was just trying to ignore them, so he wouldn't get angry. There was music playing through the speakers, throughout the studio. This was helping to block out the sound of their conversation a little, as he tried to keep himself distracted by his phone.

Then, the intro to the next song started to play, a certain song. Anthony's eyes moved up from his phone and stared straight ahead; It was their song. (You can make their song whatever you want it to be) He then looked over to his left and his gaze met with Ian's. They started at each other, both knowing exactly how special this song was to them. As the first few lyrics began to be sung, Anthony's eyes started to tear up. He shut his eyes, turned his face away, and abruptly got up from the couch.

"No, Anthony wait..." He heard Ian's voice call, as he hurried away.

He got to one of the changing rooms and locked himself inside. He slumped down against the wall, and cried into his knees.

A moment later, a knock came from the other side of the door, "Anthony...?" Ian's voice asked softly. The door handle giggled a few times, "Come on, Anthony. Please let me in..."

Anthony sniffled, then stood up. He unlocked the door and opened it.

Ian looked at him with concern, "You okay?"

Anthony looked to the side, his eyes tearing up again.

Ian put a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, what's the matter?"

Anthony closed his eyes and put his head down, "You know what it is...." He mumbled. He looked up at Ian through blurred vision, "How can you keep going back to him when he treats you so badly?!" He cried.

Ian just looked at him shocked. "We may have fought, but I never treated you like him, and yet you broke up with me!"

The tears just kept coming, he didn't even give Ian the chance to respond, he pushed past him and quickly made an exist out of the studio.


An hour and a half later Anthony was still in his car, driving about aimlessly. He started blankly ahead at the road, eyes bloodshot, and cheeks tear stained. A warning light started flashing on the dashboard, indicating that he was almost out of gas; He rolled his eyes, and huffed a breath from his nose, shaking his head.

He pulled over into the side, that's when he realised he didn't have his wallet with him, so he wouldn't be able to refill the tank. Frustrated, he hit the steering wheel. He ran his hands over his face and into his hair, lightly gripping at it; He exhaled. "Could anything else got wrong today?" He thought to himself. Deciding he was just going to go for a walk, he got out of the car and locked it behind him. He walked onto the pavement, shoving his hands into his pockets.


After walking for a little bit, he stopped and sat down on a bench. He pulled out his phone to see multiple missed calls and texts from Ian.

Where did you go? [5:57pm]

Are you okay? [6:02pm]

Anthony?? [6:15pm]

Please just come back [6:23pm]

Anthony, please answer [6:31pm]

I'm getting really worried [6:52pm]

Where the hell are you??? [7:18pm]

Look, I'm not mad at you, please just come back [7:24pm]

Okay so I'm guessing you're not going to answer. Everyone has left the studio now, I'm going to Jake's tonight, so if you want to talk at any time, I'll be there. [7:48pm]

Anthony didn't bother to reply, he locked his phone again, and shoved it back in his pocket. He sat back on the bench, just people watching, and looking at the passing traffic. His eyes moved to across the road, spotting a bar. He thought for a moment, he'd stopped drinking at the start of this year, but with all that had happened today, and in this moment, he thought "Fuck it." Stood up from the bench and made his way over.

He got inside, went over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. The bartender asked what he wanted, he ordered a beer. Little did Anthony know, that was just the first of many drinks he was going to consume that night.


(A/N) Sorry this chapter is so short, it's just a filler, next chapter should be good ;)

Hope you guys have an awesome day <3

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