Chapter 6

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They walked along the street, Ian and Anthony were walking together; Jake and Ryan were a few feet in front of them.

"So, is the shirt new? I haven't seen it before." Anthony asked.

"Yeah it is, I just got it." Ian answered happily.

"Well I know not everyone appreciates it." Anthony said, referring to Jake. "But I love it, and it looks really great on." He smiled.

Ian returned a thankful smile. "I know Jake's not your favourite person, and that it's probably been hard for you to adjust to seeing me with another man."

"That's not the point, Ian. Yes, it has been hard for me seeing you with someone else, but what's harder for me is seeing you sad. I saw how upset you got when he completely ignored you. I'd rather see someone else being affectionate towards you, than them making you feel like crap. Your happiness means a lot to me, so it was difficult for me to see."

"I know he can be cold and unaffectionate at times, but when no one else is around he can be a great guy. He's just not a big fan of PDA."

"It's hardly PDA paying you a compliment, and telling you that you look nice. But as long as he treats you well, that's all that matters."


They arrived at the bowling alley; Two more of Jake's friends met them inside. They rented their shoes, then went and found a lane. They entered their names into the machine, and began.


They were about hallway through a game and had stopped for a break. Ian was currently away to the toilets, Anthony was just sitting on his phone whilst the others went and got drinks and snacks; Jake came over and sat down beside him.

"I know what you're trying to do."

Anthony looked up from his phone, "And what would that be?"

"Don't play stupid. The flowers, the compliments, everything. You're trying to get Ian, but it's not going to work."

"I'm doing no such thing. I bought him those flowers because I know he loves them, and they're one of his favourites. I pay him compliments because he looks good, and his so called "boyfriend" fails to notice, and instead chooses to ignore him and play a stupid little video game."

"What are you even talking about?"

"I'm talking about tonight, and any other time you've failed to praise him. He asked you how his new shirt looked and you didn't even look at him. He was so upset, so as his best friend of course I'm going to step in and tell him he looks good."

"You're delusional."

"Hardly. He specifically asked you how he looked, but even if he didn't ask you, you should still take notice and pay him a compliment. He doesn't even have to be dressed up, he could be in pyjamas, with disheveled hair and in need of a shave, you should still tell him he looks good."

"Alright, I'm telling you this now. Don't tell me how to act in my relationship. You have no say in how I act as a boyfriend. This is my relationship, not yours. And it'll never be yours, because like I said before all you'll ever be is Ian's best friend, nothing more."

"And you say I'm delusional," Anthony said with a small laugh. "Well I'm just telling you this. Yes, Ian is my best friend, and I love and care for him. He also tells me everything, so I do actually have a say in whether I think you're good for him, and trust me, he'll listen to my opinion. So if I was you, I'd try stay on my good side. And also, if you hurt him, there'll be problems."

Ian and the three others suddenly appeared, walking back over to where Anthony and Jake were.

Anthony gave him a small smile. Jake suddenly took Ian's hand and pulled him into his lap.

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