Chapter 4

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A few weeks had past since their little fall out. They were back to being best friends as if it'd never even happened. Ian and Jake had officially started dating, Anthony wasn't happy about it but he hid his jealousy, and put on the supportive best friend role for Ian's sake. Anthony had hung out with them both a few times, and had gotten to know Jake a little. He seemed nice enough, but Anthony couldn't help think there was something a bit off about him, as if the whole nice persona was just an act.

Ian seemed happy too, and even though this made Anthony happy, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of sadness, jealousy and anger whenever Jake would make Ian laugh, place kiss on his cheek, cuddle him, hold his hand; or just generally show him affection. Anthony just wanted to be in that place again, where he was the one to love Ian.

~Saturday Morning~

Anthony had stopped by to get some breakfast at his and Ian's favourite place. They did amazing pancakes, and it became a tradition between the two of them to go here every few weeks for breakfast even before they were dating. They would each order their own pancakes and then once it arrived, they'd divided their stack down the middle; Anthony would get half of Ian's, and Ian would get half of Anthony's.

Anthony hadn't ordered yet and was just sitting at a table on his phone. He glanced up for a second when he heard the door opening and a familiar voice; There was Ian and Jake walking in.

"Ian." Anthony called out.

Ian looked around, smiling when he spotted Anthony. Anthony smiled and got up from the table as Ian and Jake walked over.

"Hey, bro." Ian said as he opened up his arms. Anthony accepted and hugged him.

"Hey, what you doing here?" Anthony asked.

They pulled away from the hug. "Well it is a Saturday, and we were trying to decided on where to get breakfast; I told Jake about this place."

"Ah okay." Anthony looked at Jake, "You're going to love this place, they do the best pancakes. It basically became a tradition of Ian and mine's that we come here every few weeks just to get pancakes."

Jake gave him a small smile, "Yeah, Ian was telling me about that."

"Well, since we are all here why not we just all eat together?" Ian suggested.

Anthony smiled, "Great idea."

They all sat down and started looking at the menu. Anthony looked up from his and over to Ian, who was too busy looking at his own menu and talking to Jake telling him what was good to order. When Ian finally glanced up and caught his attention, he smiled.

"Sooo..." Anthony grinned.

Ian immediately understood, "I mean we have to, it's tradition."

They smiled at each other.

Shortly after the waitress came over. "Hey guys, what can I get you?" She asked cheerily.

Anthony pointed at Ian, "He'll have the chocolate chip pancakes." He beamed.

Ian smiled and pointed back at him, "And he'll have the strawberry pancakes."

"Okay," the waitress smiled as she wrote down their order. "And you sir, what would you like?" She asked Jake.

"Oh, I'll have the chocolate pancakes." Jake answered.

She finished writing. "Okay, shouldn't be long."


Around fifteen minutes later their pancakes arrived. Ian cut his stack down the middle, and Anthony did the same. Jake was looking at them funny as he watched them swap their halves.

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