Chapter 13

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Anthony's eyes fluttered open the next morning after the best night of sleep he'd had in a long time, and that was all thanks to Ian. Speaking of Ian, he was currently no where to be seen. Anthony rolled over onto his back, he lifted the sheet up to find that he was still naked, this caused him to smile, along with a sigh of what was relief, that after all this time he finally got his Ian back and he couldn't be happier.

He was lying back when suddenly he heard some faint yelling, he sat up on his elbows and furrowed his brow, just listening. He got up out of the bed, looking around the room for some clothes. He found his boxers lying on the floor and slipped them on. There was a tshirt on the chair, he picked it up to find that it was Ian's but shoved it on anyways.

He exited the bedroom and walked down the hall, the yelling could be heard a lot clearer now. He entered the living room to find Ian and Jake yelling at each other.

"What is going on?!"

They both turned and looked at him, a shocked and angry expression spread across Jake's face when he saw Anthony, his gaze quickly turned back to Ian.

"Oh you slept with him didn't you?!"

Ian just looked at the floor, not answering his question.

"Didn't you!?" Jake questioned, grabbing Ian's wrist forcefully. "Answer me!"

"Hey!" Anthony shouted, storming over and removing Jake's hand from Ian. "Don't you dare touch him!"

"And who do you think you are, Mr. Big Man." Jake retorted.

"I'm his boyfriend, that's what I am," Anthony responded, putting an arm around Ian and pulling him close. "And I think it's time for you to leave."

Jake just glared at him, then looked back at Ian. "Is this true then!?"

"You know what, yes! It is true. Because I love him, he loves me and treats me how a boyfriend should! I regret ever breaking up with him in the first place and wasting months of my life with you!" Ian snapped.

"Fuck you, Ian!"

"Oh I'm sorry, that's actually something you'll never be able to do." Ian retorted in a condescending tone.

"Yeah, I've got that covered." Anthony added, giving Jake a smug smile.

Jake gave them a dirty look, turned, then stormed out the door, slamming it behind him.

"My boyfriend is sassy today," Anthony said with a small laugh.

Ian hummed and hugged Anthony, laying his head against his chest.

Anthony held him whilst giving his back a small rub. "No but seriously, are you okay?"

Ian exhaled. "Yeah, I suppose..."

Anthony gave him a small kiss on the head. "Good job standing up to him, I'm proud of you."

Ian looked up and gave him a small smile. "Thanks."

Anthony smiled down at him, then moved in and closed the gap between them. They stood there for few moments, the kiss soft and loving. They broke away and smiled at each other.

"Sooo...pancakes?" Anthony asked.

Ian laughed and gave a small nod, "Pancakes."

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