Chapter 7

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The next morning Anthony awoke to find that both of them had moved into a lying position on the couch, with Ian on top of him. He stretched his arms above his head, a yawn escaping his mouth. He felt Ian stir a little and push against his chest, bringing his head up to look at Anthony.

Anthony gave him a small smile, "Morning."

Ian just had a blank expression on his face as he looked around. Anthony furrowed his brow, confused.

"What happened last night? How'd we end up in this position?" Ian asked.

"Oh, um, I think we must've fell asleep whilst watching the movie and somehow moved into this position during the night. Force of habit maybe?" Anthony answered.


Anthony could sense the mixture awkwardness with a hint of sexual tension between the them, and he knew Ian could feel it too. All Anthony was thinking right now was "Pineapples!""Pineapples!""Pineapples!" As Ian lay in between his legs.

Ian finally moved and sat up fully, he leaned on his knees, putting his head in his hands; He exhaled. Anthony sat up, with his legs crossed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm going to have to go speak to him today," Ian answered.

Anthony rubbed his back, "It's okay..."

There was a moments silence between them.

"If...If you don't mind me asking, what was the fight about?" Anthony spoke.

Ian sat up, back against the couch. "It doesn't matter, it was stupid and he was just being dramatic."

"Oh, okay...You want me to drive you over to his?"

Ian gave him a small smile, "Thanks, that'd be great."


"Just bring her in the car, I'll take her a walk after dropping you off, then I'll bring her back here."

"No, I can't make you do that, you're already driving me to Jake's."

"Dude, I don't mind."

Ian contemplated for a moment, then let out a defeated sigh, knowing there was no point trying to argue with Anthony.

"Seriously, what did I do to deserve a best friend like you?"

Anthony smiled.

"Honestly, you do too much for me."

"Oh shut up, you're my best friend of course I'm going to help you out. Now come on, grab Daisy and let's go."

Ian smiled, "Okay. Do you still have the spare key?"

Anthony held up his keys and shook them, "Yep, got it right here."

Ian put Daisy's leash on, and they made their way out the door.


They arrived at Jake's, the drive there had been mostly silent, with some light chit-chat.

"Alright, well thanks for the ride."

"No problem."

They leaned over and gave eachother a hug.

"I hope everything goes okay." Anthony lied, truthfully he hoped there'd be a breakup.

They pulled away from the hug. Ian gave him a small smile, "Thanks."

"And if it doesn't, just text me and I'll come back for you."

"Okay," Ian said with a small nod. "Bye Daisy." He said turning round to the back and petting her.

He opened the door, they said "bye" to each other, and he got out if the car. He waved to Anthony then walked into the driveway, Anthony waited till Ian was at the door then drove off.


Anthony arrived back at Ian's, after taking Daisy a walk. He got inside and took off her leash, then filled up her water bowl. He stopped and looked at the photos on the wall, a lot of them of Ian and himself. He then ended up in the bedroom, and inside the cupboard; He lifted a box off one of the shelves labeled 'Pictures'. He went back out and sat on the bed; He took the lid off the box.

After looking through some of them, he came across a stack of photos from when they were together. He felt himself begin to tear up as he looked at the happy faces in the pictures, thinking back to those moments, and when Ian was his.

He turned to the next photo; A photo of them kissing. A few tears ran down his cheeks, and then just kept coming; His heart ached. He held the photo tight with both hands, with his head hung low, as he cried loudly. He suddenly felt something at his knee, he looked up through blurred vision, it was Daisy. She was resting her head on his lap, looking up at him with her big brown, doe eyes. He patted her head, then got off the bed and knelt down; He hugged her and cried.


His crying settled into light sobs, he sat on the floor against the bed. Daisy had stayed, and was lying down beside him. He had one hand on her, running it through her fur. He suddenly heard his phone ringing. He sat up and took it out of his pocket, he looked at the caller ID, It was Ian. He sniffled and took a few breaths, trying to compose himself, then answered.


"Hey. You okay?" Ian responded.

"Yeah, yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Anthony said, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"You just sounded a bit off, that's all."

"Oh, no, I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay... Anyways, I'm just calling to see if everything went okay with Daisy?"

"Yeah, she's fine. I'm about to leave yours now."

"Great, and thanks for doing that."

"No trouble. So, how did everything go with Jake?"

"Oh, it went fine. He apologised and we made up."

"Great." Anthony replied with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

"Alright, well I'll see you soon,"

"Yeah, see you soon."



Anthony ended the call, got up from the floor and put his phone back in his pocket. He cleared up the photos and put them back in the box, then away back in the cupboard. Daisy followed him as he walked back out of the bedroom. He picked up his keys from the counter, and made his way to the door. Daisy gave a small whimper from behind him, he stopped, turned back round, and bent down to pet her.

"It's okay Daisy, I'll be fine. I'm just a little sad," He could feel himself beginning to tear up again."Don't worry, I'm going to get Ian back. It's just taking longer than I'd hoped..."

He put his head against Daisy's, and closed his eyes, a few tears ran down his face.

"He'll be mine again...some day..." He whispered.

He gave her a small kiss on the head, then stood up. He turned and opened the door. "Bye Daisy." He said, giving her one last look and a small smile, then made his way out the door.


(A/N) This chapter was just a filler, next chapter should be good :D

Hope you guys have a awesome day/night, and I'll see ya in the next chapter <3

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