Chapter 3

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Anthony awoke the next morning after a pretty restless night of sleep. He got up and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror noticing the dark circles under his eyes, which were slightly bloodshot from crying; He sighed and ran a hand through his dishevelled hair.

After he'd brushed his teeth and used the toilet, he walked out into the kitchen. He looked in the fridge and cupboards but didn't feel hungry. He decided he was going to go for a run; he needed to just clear his head.

He got changed, and headed out of the apartment.


After his run, he went and bought a fresh juice from his favourite place. He walked along the street at a comfortable pace; the warm LA sun beating down, the beach and ocean to the far right of him. As he was turning a corner, a familiar dog ran up to him; it was Daisy. She started jumping up, barking, and wagging her tail with excitement. Anthony calmed her, bent down and started petting her.

"Hey girl," he scratched under her neck, "What you doing all by yourself?"

Anthony's question was soon answered. "Daisy!?" Someone called. Anthony stood up and grabbed her leash. "Daisy!? Dai-" Jake appeared, stopping when he saw Anthony.

He walked forward to Anthony, "Um, hey..." Anthony held the leash out; Jake took it. "Hey...." Anthony replied. "Where's Ian...?"

"Hey Jake, what happened?" Ian's voice interrupted as he ran up behind Jake.

The smile on his face immediately fell when he saw Anthony. "Oh...hi..." He muttered.

Anthony just looked at him. Ian turned his attention to Jake.

"Daisy just ran off." Jake answered.

"She ran up to me." Anthony added.

"Oh, okay. She must of recognised your sent and followed it." Ian responded.

"Yeah..." Anthony trailed off.

The awkwardness was apparent. There was a silence for a moment.

"I think we should probably get go-" Jake began.

"I-Ian." Anthony blurted out.

They both looked at him. Anthony looked at the ground and sighed. "C-Can we talk?"

Ian took a minute to respond. Anthony looked up and met his gaze.

"Fine." He answered. "Jake, could you wait here with Daisy?"

Jake gave a small nod. Ian and Anthony walked a few feet away from him.

"Look," Anthony began. "I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I didn't mean it, I know that you're not like that, I was just angry. You've got to know it's not easy for me seeing you with another guy."

"Well I'm sorry I hurt you. I know it's not easy for you, I don't expect you to be happy about it." Ian apologised. "And what I said about us no longer being friends was stupid. We may be broken up now but you're still my best friend."

"And you're still mine."

They shared a smile for a moment.

"Alright, well I better get going, but I'll see you at work tomorrow." Anthony said.

"Okay. We should hang out this week at some point."

"Definitely." Anthony smiled and opened up his arms for a hug; Ian gladly accepted.

They stood hugging for a few moments. Anthony had closed his eyes, breathing in the familiar mixed scent of Ian's shampoo and cologne.

He sighed and opened up his eyes again. "I love you." He said, giving Ian a little squeeze.

They pulled back from each other. Ian looked at him, "I love you too." He smiled.

Anthony returned a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Ian started walking back over to Jake. He turned back round to Anthony one last time, "Bye." He waved.

Anthony waved back, "Bye."


(A/N) Yay! Everything is good again, I told you guys they would make up :)

Sorry this chapter was so short, it was just a bit of a filler, next chapter should be longer. Anyways, I hope you guys still enjoyed it.

Have an awesome day guys <3

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