Chapter 2

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~Few Weeks Later~

Today was the first day back filming, they hadn't had any contact over the past few weeks and it felt strange. Even before they were dating, they'd never gone maybe more than two days without calling or texting each other.

Anthony was already in the office and was still very tired. He hadn't been taking this "break" well and he'd been losing sleep over it. He was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed, when he heard Ian's voice as he walked into the office; Anthony's eyes flung open.

Ian took his bag and sunglasses off. Anthony stood up from the couch and walked over to where he was.

"Hey...." Anthony greeted, hesitantly.

Ian looked up, "Hey." He smiled.

Anthony returned a small smile. ", how are you?" He asked.

"I'm okay, what about you?"

"Y-Yeah I'm...I'm good..." Anthony lied.


Throughout the day, in between shots, Anthony kept noticing Ian on his phone; smiling or laughing to himself. Anthony loved seeing Ian happy, but he couldn't help but wonder and be slightly concerned by what he was looking at.


~Saturday Night~

Anthony walked through the doors of the cinema. He decided he wanted to see a movie tonight, but just by himself; he needed it. He bought his ticket and headed towards the queue to get popcorn. He was standing waiting, when he glanced over to the door for a second. Two guys were walking into the cinema, Anthony furrowed his eyebrows; He recognised one of them. "Ian....?" He said to himself quietly.

He continued to watch on. Ian was laughing at something, "Who the fuck is that guy?!" Anthony thought to himself, as he eyed up he stranger beside Ian. He was quite tall, he had short brown hair, that was styled upwards. Slight bit of stubble on his chiseled jaw. He wore a white tshirt, with a grey hoodie and brown jacket thrown on top; and a pair of jeans. In Anthony's eyes he wasn't too attractive, but he wasn't not attractive.

Anthony completely forgot about getting popcorn and stepped out of the line. He kept at a distance as he watched Ian and the guy. He followed behind as they made their way over, handing their tickets over to get in. After they had walked through Anthony made his way up and handed his ticket over.

Once through he saw Ian talking to the guy, and then move away, over into the toilets. Anthony looked at the guy, then walked over and went into the toilets shortly after.

Nobody else was in the bathroom. He waited. Ian existed the stall shortly after and walked round to wash his hands.

"You sure do move on quick." Anthony said.

Ian looked up with his brow furrowed. Anthony walked over from the corner; Ian saw him through the mirror.

"What the hell are you doing here?

"Take a wild guess." Anthony replied in a sarcastic tone. "So is that your new boyfriend out there?"

Ian turned round, looked at him and rolled his eyes. "He's just a friend."

"Oh a "friend", oh okay. So how come I've never met him?"

"You don't know all my business Anthony."

Anthony gave him a face as if to say 'really.' Considering how untrue that was.

Ian scoffed and pushed past him to get to the hand dryers.

That Should Be Me (Ianthony)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum