||Chapter 4||

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"No, Baba. Love happens once, and marriage is a part of that love story. So what if he left me in the middle of life's journey? I will complete this journey with the memories of him by my side. My final decision is that I won't get married again," Maanvi declared firmly, her resolve unwavering.

"But beta, what will happen when we are not with you?" Ravi pressed his concern for Maanvi's future palpable.

Maanvi took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and sadness. "Nothing will happen, Baba. I understand your concern, but dwelling on tomorrow's uncertainties shouldn't spoil our today. I won't get married again; this is my final decision."Her words hung in the air, a testament to her strong resolve. Ravi sighed, recognizing the unwavering determination in his daughter's stance. He knew that Maanvi had her reasons and ultimately respected her choice. In the dimly lit study, the bond between father-in-law and daughter-in-law was reaffirmed, even as they grappled with the weight of the past and the uncertainties of the future.

After their discussion, Maanvi returned to her bedroom. It was only 8:00 PM, and in their household, everyone usually had dinner by 8:00 PM and went to bed by 8:30 PM. However, tonight, sleep eluded Maanvi. She lay on her bed with her eyes closed, trying to relax, but her mind was restless.

Just then, her mobile phone chimed with a notification. She picked it up from the side table and saw a message from her best friends in their WhatsApp group, "Tin Tigada, Kam Bigada." Maanvi had two close friends in this group, Riya and Palak.

Riya was a teacher at the same school Maanvi had attended, and they had been friends since their KG1 days. Palak, on the other hand, had ventured into the world of fashion and was a well-known model. Despite their diverse career paths and busy lives, the three of them had managed to stay close friends since their kindergarten days. Maanvi often marveled at how they had remained connected through all the ups and downs of life, and tonight, as she lay in her room, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of her two steadfast friends who had been there for her through thick and thin.


Hello, my cuties! Hurry up and get out of your houses. We're heading out.

Maanvi:No, I'm not coming. I'm just not in the mood today.

Riya:Come on, Maanvi, don't say that. I won't go either if you're not coming.

Palak:You both, get out of your beds and leave your houses. I'm waiting in front of your place in 25 minutes. Do you both understand or not?

Maanvi:Seriously, she always has her way. We just finished dinner and now she wants us to go out.

Palak:Are you coming, or should I come over? If I come, your entire house will be up from their sleep.

After their conversation, exactly 25 minutes later, Palak arrived at Maanvi's house. Maanvi had informed her older brother, Aarav, about her plans, as she always did.

"Hi, Pallu. Where are you off to at this hour? It's crazy," Maanvi remarked as she stepped outside her house.

"Madam, check the time once in a while. Who lives in the Stone Age, anyway? It's only 8:45 PM; the night is young. Come on, we need to pick up Riya," Palak replied with a mischievous grin. Riya was their next stop, living as a paying guest, which made picking her up a breeze.

"So, where are the three of us headed?" Riya inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Let's just go, Riya. When we get there, you'll find out," Palak replied playfully as they set off on their adventure. The element of surprise hung in the air as they ventured into the night, ready for whatever the evening had in store for them.

As the three friends arrived at their destination, they were greeted by a breathtaking view. From this spot, the entire city lay sprawled below, illuminated by the twinkling lights of the evening. The vista was nothing short of mesmerizing. However, as they took in the splendid scenery, Palak made an announcement.

"Hey, guys, we're going inside the forest. Let's go," Palak declared with enthusiasm.

Riya and Maanvi exchanged nervous glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of surprise and trepidation. Three young girls venturing into a dense forest at night was undoubtedly a daunting prospect. Thoughts of potential dangers crossed their minds, but none of them wanted to voice their concerns and appear scared. Instead, they followed Palak, putting on a brave front, ready to embrace the adventure that awaited them in the heart of the mysterious forest.

As the three friends ventured deeper into the forest, they began to set up their camping equipment. However, as they rummaged through their gear, they suddenly heard a loud noise, like something falling nearby. Even though they had reached an area marked with a "No Entry" sign, curiosity got the better of them.

"Palak, I have a bad feeling about this place. We shouldn't have come here. Let's go back to the camping site. We need to be home by 10:30 PM. It's my last chance to stay out late. Come on," Maanvi urged, her voice tinged with unease.

"Yeah, Pallu, Maanu's right. We shouldn't be here, especially if it's off-limits. Let's go," Riya added. As they began to leave the area, they heard another, even louder noise, which sounded like a gunshot.

Startled, Palak turned back and retraced her steps, with Riya and Maanvi following closely behind. They couldn't leave Palak alone in a potentially dangerous situation.

As they continued, they reached what seemed like a desolate, run-down factory. Riya whispered, "Pallu, look, this place is a complete mess. There's nothing here."

Just as Riya finished speaking, a truck appeared on the scene, seemingly from nowhere. The three friends quickly hid in the thickets nearby, watching as the truck came to a halt. Several men got out of the truck, and the truck driver engaged in conversation with them. It was impossible to hear what they were saying from their hiding spot.

Then, unexpectedly, Riya let out a loud scream, "Ahhhh!"


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-Ratri[Regret Series 1]

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