||Chapter 10||

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In the quietude of Manvi's room, the soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a gentle illumination. As she exited the washroom, the night seemed to cradle her solitude. Her footsteps carried her toward the dressing room, but a sudden buzz from her phone halted her in her tracks.

In the hushed ambience, she retrieved her phone, unlocking it to reveal a message that arrived well into the midnight hours. The words on the screen were succinct but laden with a peculiar weight: 

"Don't go tomorrow to meet that guy."

Manvi's brows furrowed as she contemplated the message. This wasn't the first time she had received such cryptic warnings. Over the past year, a pattern had emerged - messages cautioning her against meeting certain individuals. 

An added layer of mystery unfolded in the form of sporadic gifts that arrived on specific dates, tailored to her likes and dislikes. On odd-numbered dates, she would receive something she detested, and on even-numbered dates, a thoughtful gift reflecting her preferences.

The anonymity of the sender intrigued her. Despite the constant stream of messages and gifts, the mysterious benefactor remained elusive, veiled in secrecy. Manvi chose to keep this peculiar occurrence to herself, aware of the potential chaos that could ensue if her family were to discover it.

As she pondered the enigma surrounding these messages, a familiar name flickered in her thoughts. Arjun. The mere thought of him brought a complex mixture of emotions to the surface. She wondered, 

"If Arjun were here, would anyone dare to send these messages? Would I be left to navigate this maze of uncertainties alone?"

Lying on her bed, surrounded by the echoes of the night, Manvi succumbed to a wave of melancholy. In the soft luminescence, a lone tear escaped her eyes, a silent testament to the unanswered questions that lingered in the depths of her heart. With a heavy sigh, she whispered to the stillness, 

"Where are you, Arjun? Why did you leave me alone here?" The room held the weight of unspoken emotions as Manvi drifted into the embrace of sleep, hoping for answers in the realm of dreams.


As the sun stretched its golden fingers across the morning sky, Manvi prepared herself for the day, bracing for a meeting that had been forewarned against by an unknown sender. Despite the lingering doubts and unspoken concerns, she resolved to take the risk and face the enigmatic rendezvous.

Descending the stairs, the aroma of breakfast filled the air, welcoming her to the family gathering. Seated around the dining table were her extended family members - Buaji, Ritwik, Tina, Shalini, Aai, Baba, Ayan, Aarav, Ritu - a familiar tapestry of loved faces.

"Manvi, you're ready, dear. Have your breakfast and then head off to meet that young man," Aai greeted her.

"Yes, Aai, I'll meet him and then head straight to school," Manvi affirmed, determination glinting in her eyes.

"Alright, dear. Don't forget to take your lunchbox this time," Aai said with a hint of both affection and caution, recalling Manvi's frequent forgetfulness.

"I will, Aai. I'll remember my lunchbox, I promise," Manvi reassured her, wearing a playful smile.

Ritwik, who had been quiet until then, suddenly chimed in, "I'll drop you off. I need to go in that direction too." His unexpected offer hung in the air, drawing astonished looks from the family.

"No, dear. She'll manage on her own. The café isn't far," Ravi, her father-in-law, intervened, attempting to dissuade Ritwik.

"No, Mama, I'll drop her. The café is nearby; I know the way. But it might make her late for school, and I happen to have a meeting there," Ritwik explained, trying to justify his decision.

"Alright, then. Take her with you, Manvi," Ravi conceded, eventually agreeing to Ritwik's insistence.Manvi nodded, acknowledging the sudden turn of events, and stood up, ready to accompany Ritwik. 

A tinge of apprehension lingered beneath her composed demeanor, but she concealed it well, masking her concerns with determination. She gathered her resolve, hoping this day would not be marked by the foreboding of the unknown message.

After eating breakfast ,she heading towards the car ,she sit on passenger sit ,on the other hand,ritwik come sit on driving sit.after that car busting on road ,after few minutes ,they reached that cafe " Golden Rose Cafe"

"Manvi,after your meeting ,I will meet in parking ,ok,don't go until I come.OK" Ritwik said.

"OK"manvi inform.


In the cozy ambiance of the café, a melange of coffee aromas danced through the air, welcoming Manvi as she stepped inside. The warm, earthy scent filled her senses, immediately engulfing her in its comforting embrace. The café exuded an inviting atmosphere, adorned with hues of amber and soft lighting that lent a serene glow to the space.

Manvi's eyes wandered around, taking in the comforting sights of the café. The interior was a blend of modern design and rustic charm, with wooden accents and cushioned seats creating an inviting space. Amidst the quiet chatter and the faint clinking of cups, a sense of calmness prevailed.

Her gaze fell upon a table marked "116" in the corner. As she walked towards it, she noticed a man seated with his back turned towards her. The man appeared to be in his late forties, with a complexion reflecting a subtle whitish-brown hue, and a demeanor that seemed calm and composed.

Approaching the table, Manvi politely cleared her throat before addressing the man. 

"Hello," she greeted, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

The man turned to face her, his demeanor genial and welcoming. 

"Hi, would you like something to drink? A coffee or perhaps a coke?" he offered in a polite and amiable tone.

"Coffee, please," Manvi replied, her gaze meeting his for a brief moment before she looked away. There was a flicker of surprise in her eyes, an acknowledgment of the unexpected encounter. As she settled into the seat across from him, she observed the café's surroundings, taking in the ambiance while waiting for her order.

"So can you tell me about yourself ,please"manvi asked him

"Oh,so My name is sharad kale,Im bussinessman and also vidhayak of parliament"He said

"Oh ,My name is manvi mhatre<can you tell me about personal life,because you know "

"I want to tell you something ,"He said

"Ohk,"she said

"Actually,I have two sons"

"Ohk ,so why ae you hesitating,you have two sons na"

"umm,my first son is 17 and second son is 15"HE said hesitatingly.this hear manvi's eye come from her socket.she said

"Itne ba--bade hai ,koi nahi ,bachhe hitoh hai"She said ,but she knows how the hell she will manage,if she siad yes,for that movement she saw waiter is coming with the coffe and she saw again that man infront of sitting.as waiter come .

As the waiter approached their table, balancing a tray with steaming cups of coffee, Manvi found herself briefly distracted from the unexpected revelation. She glanced at the server, offering a polite smile and nod of acknowledgment before turning her attention back to Sharad Kale, the man sitting across from her.

The air seemed to hum with an unspoken tension, the weight of Sharad's words lingering between them. Manvi's mind raced, trying to process the information she had just received. Two teenage sons, not far from adulthood, was an unexpected disclosure in this scenario.

"Thank you," she said softly to the waiter as he placed the cups of coffee on the table. Her fingers wrapped around the warm cup, finding a momentary solace in the comforting heat against her palms.Sharad cleared his throat, his eyes reflecting a sense of hesitation as he continued, 

"You see, my sons... they have been wanting a mother for quite some time now."Manvi's brows furrowed slightly, a mix of surprise and contemplation crossing her face.

To be continued____________

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