||Chapter 17||

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The next day dawned with a flurry of activity as the household prepared for the upcoming engagement ceremony of Shalini and Ram. Manvi found herself swept up in the whirlwind of tasks, moving from one chore to another with tireless determination.As the daughter-in-law of the Mhatre family, Manvi felt a sense of responsibility to ensure that everything was in order for the special occasion.

 With each step she took, she carried out her duties diligently, mindful of the expectations placed upon her by both her role in the family and the watchful eye of Buaji.From arranging decorations to overseeing the catering arrangements, Manvi left no stone unturned in her efforts to ensure that everything ran smoothly. 

Her hands moved swiftly, her mind racing to keep track of the myriad details that needed attention.Despite the bustling activity around her, Manvi remained focused and composed, her determination unwavering as she tackled each task with precision. She knew that the success of the engagement ceremony relied in part on her ability to fulfill her responsibilities efficiently.

Buaji's presence loomed in the background, a silent reminder of the need to uphold the family's traditions and expectations. Manvi felt the weight of Buaji's scrutiny, knowing that any lapse in her duties would not go unnoticed.Yet amidst the chaos of preparations, there was a sense of anticipation and excitement in the air. 

The impending engagement ceremony brought with it the promise of joy and celebration, uniting the family in anticipation of the happy occasion.As Manvi moved from one task to another, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in her contributions to the festivities. Her efforts were a testament to her dedication to the family and her commitment to ensuring that Shalini and Ram's special day would be nothing short of perfect.

Ritu observed Manvi closely as she navigated through her chores, a slight furrow marking her brow, betraying the storm beneath her calm exterior. It seemed like Manvi was putting up a brave front, but Ritu could sense the turmoil within her. As she pondered over this, Aarav, her husband, approached her, noticing her pensive expression.

Curious about Ritu's contemplation, Aarav gently inquired, prompting her to share her thoughts.

"Hey ritu ,why are you standing a mile of hall? and what are you thinking watching manvi"aarav aske looking ritu then manvi.

"No,Nothing ,its just ,I'm watching manvi,how's she handling herself from yesterday what happen to her."

Ritu confided that she was simply observing Manvi and reflecting on how she might be feeling after the events of yesterday.

Aarav nodded understandingly, his eyes reflecting a similar concern for Manvi's well-being. He acknowledged that he had a deep understanding of Manvi's emotions, having witnessed her struggles and triumphs throughout their shared history. Recalling the times when they relied on each other for support, especially in the presence of their brother Arjun, Aarav expressed his determination to continue being there for Manvi, even in Arjun's absence.

As they continued to observe Manvi's movements, Aarav shared his resolve to stand by her side, offering his unwavering support through the challenges ahead. Ritu felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that Aarav was committed to aiding Manvi through her ordeal. Together, they reaffirmed their commitment to bolstering Manvi's spirits and assisting her in any way possible as she navigated the complexities of her situation.

"As she is manvi,she handle herself ,thats who is she ?.she herself show to world is she is okay,but inside she is broken.and Im watching her from her childhood.I know that .when she is not okay or sad ,arjun was there but now she is alone .and I decide ,I will not opposed to her marriage ,I will convince manvi to this marriage .Whatever happens, I will continue to convince Manvi for this marriage."aarav said to her

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