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As I whispered to him about what happened, his eyes were filled with shock. He looked around and pulled away from me. As he looked around, I walked away to make it less obvious that we were together.  I walked all the way to the beach and sat behind one of the trees there. I look around as dyso approached me.  "hey bloom, whats wrong?" he said as he sat next to me. i wanted to tell him what was going on but, i took a glance around to make sure that the person was not here. i whisper what happened to dyso. i got kind of frustrated after i told him. as we kept talking about what happened, divided came up to us.

"bloom, i heard what happened." he said to us. "wdym" i said. "you dont know?" he said to me once again. "look." he said to me with sorrow. i looked over at his phone and saw what the person had posted. i got on my phone and saw the picture as soon as i entered the home page. i scrolled below the picture to see a ton of comments. "ill see you guys later, im just gonna take a little stroll through the crossroads." i said with frustration. "alright see you bloom" they replied. i stood up from the tree behind me and headed my way towards the middle of the crossroads. most of the people there stared and looked at me as they shared phones to look at the media. i tried to avoid eye contact to avoid this from getting worse.

as people were looking at me, i ran towards back beach and i had to catch my breath. it felt so.. weird. people looking at me, whispering towards eachother while looking at me, it felt so... uncomfortable. i felt like they were judging me in a horrible way as they began to talk about me. atleast I think they are talking about me.

After making my way to front beach, some girl called my name. "heyy, is your name bloom?" i nodded my head and she replied with a chuckle and laugh as her friends walked away chuckling along with her. i dont seem to find anything funny or silly about my name, its just.. bloom. After spending a couple minutes at the beach, a stranger had came up to me and placed a drink next to me as I was slowly beginning to fall asleep.

After also waking up, i look over to the drink being next to me. maybe someone thought i was thirsty and cared to give me a drink.. how nice of them. i grab the drink with my hands and begin sipping away as dyso ran towards and yelled something i couldn't really understand.. i think he was saying something about.. not.. trusting it..? i began to feel dizzy as i dropped the drink from the extreme effects from it.. eventually.. i had passed out..


Divided love [Bloom X Divided]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz