✎ one

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"luofu tech, this is y/n." i answered, the line being second nature after working as a receptionist for almost a year. "mr jing yuan should be in the office soon. mhm. yes. yes ill tell him. uh huh. thank you, goodbye."

"what was that all about?" sushang asked, while spreading cream cheese on her bagel. i sighed, writing down notes to give to mr jing yuan later.

"something about a meeting later. you know mr jing yuan, i have to write it down or he'll completely ignore the fact that its on the calendar."

"oh, i know." she laughed, leaning on the reception counter. "but even with his jokes, he's a really smart guy. no wonder he's ceo. and at such a young age. 28, right?"

"mhm," i mumbled, my pen neatly scribbling down information from the call. "he's three years older than me, and yet there's such a difference in hierarchy."

"ah y/n," sushang giggled. "dont put yourself down. besides, most of the office knows about your figure skating career." i flinched and shook my head.

"i quit seven years ago already," i chuckled, tearing out the sheet of notes from my book to give to jing yuan. "and lets keep it at most. i dont need mr jing yuan to know any more about me."

"hm? i heard my name." at that note, i went silent, hearing the footsteps of jing yuan, ceo of luofu tech. "good morning y/n. you look lovely today." he smiled, leaning over the desk.

"here's your agenda for the day sir," i replied nonchalantly, dismissing his compliment, and passing the sheet of paper. "let me know if you need anything."

"i will, and y/n?" he turned around, eyes meeting mine.

"yes, sir?" i asked, sighing slightly.

"could you get me my coffee? i was running late today. here's my card, treat yourself too." he winked, handing over his black card. i stared at it, confused, sushang watching the interaction in bemusement.

"alright, sir." i got up from my chair and dusted my clothes and took the card. his eyes locked with mine as he grinned. "the usual?"

"yes, the usual. thank you, y/n."

"anytime, sir." jing yuan made his way into his office, and once the door was shut, sushang let out a dramatic breath.

"what was that~?!" she asked excitedly, giggling like a high school girl. i rolled my eyes, organizing papers on my desk.

"i dont know. i dont care. do you want anything?" i sighed, grabbing my purse.

"he offered it to you, not me! just accept his kindness y/n."

"its not kindness, maybe its just payment since he doesn't want to add onto my salary." i grumbled.

"no y/n, he only acts this way towards you. plus, you had absolutely no reaction to when he complimented you! it makes me wonder y/n, really."

i chuckled at her statement. "goodbye, sushang. text me if you want anything." i walked out of the office, down the elevator, and to the bus.

once i was out of the building, i took my hair out of the tight bun it was in, my hair free from its confined style. i grabbed my headphones and put them on, humming to the song that came first on shuffle.

the coffee shop that jing yuan regulars was only a stop away from the office. once the doors open, i dashed out, wanting to make the trip quick.

"hi, what can i getcha today?" the barista asked, her voice bright, eyes sparkling.

"one iced americano, and one f/d." i replied simply. she smiled and took down the order.

"that'll be $10.48" i swiped jing yuan's card and pursed my lips, watching the transaction happen. "can i get a name?"

"y/n." the barista handed me a receipt.

"itll be right out!" i sat in front of the waiting area, resting my head on my propped up hand. after a couple minutes, my name was called for my order. i smiled politely at the barista and took the drinks.

the train ride back to the office was quick and quiet, my music feeling my ears rather than the sounds of train tracks screeching as we stopped. the office was on the sixth floor of the building, to which i took the elevator to.

with the coffees in hand, i set mine down at my desk, then walked over to jing yuan's office. i knocked on the door with my free fist.

"come in." his voice was muffled from behind the door. i opened it and placed his coffee, and his credit card, on his table. he smiled at me, his eyes travelling from my hand that set the coffee down, all the way up to my face. jing yuan scanned my appearance, looking at the length of my hair.

"is something the matter, sir?" i asked politely, trying my best to ignore his strong gaze.

"i never realized how beautiful you are with your hair down." he commented, sipping his americano calmly. i smiled curtly, pushing aside the compliment once more.

"ill be back in half an hour to take notes on the meeting sir." with that, i took my leave, shutting the door softly. i sat back at my desk, switching on the computer and beginning to work again.

for the rest of the day, without realizing, my hair stayed down, as it did before.

a/n: welcome to this rollercoaster of a story, if you've been here since the beginning then... wow,

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