✎ eleven

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"my dear employees, what is the matter today?" the staff of luofu tech sat tiredly in the conference room as jing yuan questioned us. "the weekend was meant to be for rest! yet you all look malnourished."

"i dont think malnourished is the right word, sir." i added in, writing notes of the meeting. jing yuan took a glance and walked over, yanking away the notepad.

"no notes this meeting, y/n, i want you to rest as much as you can." i sighed, slightly irritated, yet thankful deep down. jing yuan made sure my eyes were on him before he continued to speak. "i want to know, is it the workload? is it the environment? did you all have a bad weekend?"

"its the workload for me sir." yukong sighed. "with luocha out as travelling salesman, his clients got pushed onto the other three. plus, this is *the* time of year. everyone in the office knows it." the room murmured in agreement. jing yuan frowned, sharing a glance at me while i shrugged.

"then, what could i do to make it better? lunch? early leave?" i felt my heart flutter at his compassion towards us. jing yuan was silly, but he truly was the best boss that any of us have ever had.

"no sir, its okay, really." i replied for the group. jing yuan shook his head stubbornly.

"shh, now, y/n. come with me, let's go get lunch for everyone, how does that sound?" the mood seemed to lift as everyone nodded in agreement. i smiled at our boss, watching him reassure the room.

the meeting was dismissed, with everyone filing out quickly. jing yuan turned to me, running his hand through his hair, seemingly exasperated.

"lets go, sir?" i asked, standing up and smoothing out my skirt. jing yuan's eyes met mine for a split second.

"ill drive, lets go." we both walked out of the conference room, jing yuan quickly grabbing his keys. i picked up my coat to put it on, only to have it taken away by jing yuan. i looked at him, confused, before feeling the warmth of the coat wrap around me as he put it on for me.

the car ride was quiet besides the soft music from the radio filling the car. i sat stiffly and upright in the seat, my eyes wandering over the features of the car. it was obvious with just the interior — mr jing yuan was a rich man.

of course it wasnt as if id never been in the car before. but it seemed like every new time, something seemed even more breathtaking, from the sheen of the dashboard to the scent of the air freshener hanging from the mirror.

"you're quiet today, is there something on your mind?" jing yuan broke the silence by asking, his eyes still focused on the road. i sighed and relaxed my shoulders, leaning back into the seat.

"im just a little stressed, sir." i kept the statement as vague as i could. "theres a lot happening in my life right now, and im having a bit of a hard time handling it." jing yuan hummed from beside me, as the breeze flew in from the open windows.

"you know you can talk to me y/n, right?" i froze up, heat rushing to my face. nope, nope, this was not happening.

"i appreciate it sir. i... uh... i appreciate you." i coughed, averting my gaze from him. he raised his eyebrows, surprised before chuckling.

"my my, after eleven months, you finally warm up to me?" he teased, pulling into the parking lot of a sandwich place. "come now, lets go in."

the shop was well known to locals, and me jing yuan ordered quick — a dozen of different subs, which surprisingly, each order was fit for a different person. from yanqings incredibly boring turkey cheese and lettuce, to qingque's loaded sandwich on sourdough, and even to my own, f/s. i was in awe after he paid, still trying to process it.

there was only one conclusion: jing yuan, was just an incredible, kind boss who cares for his employees.

a/n: hes so husband material

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