✎ fourteen

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"its good to see you, y/n." welt yang's voice was ever so familiar as i walked into the ice rink. the scenery pained my heart as memories flooded into my brain.

"its been a while, mr yang." i smiled politely. "where should we go?"

"my office is fine." i followed mr yang through the halls, until we finally stepped foot into his office.

"y/n!" i was immediately met with a flash of bright red hair, the woman pulling me into a hug.

"coach himeko!" i held her awkwardly, reminiscing to the little time i had with her. although she was my coach, there was only a four year age gap between us.

"its been too long, y/n... i- you are.. returning, right?" id never seen her so vulnerable before — himeko was always mature and straightforward. but here, it was almost as if we were kids again.

"we'll be discussing it, himeko." mr yang responded for me, chuckling. "come on, you're an adult now."

this is what i missed. walking to practice after school with himeko, who was a senior while i was a freshman. making jokes about how old mr yang was, even though he was only 6 years older than me. learning partner choreo with dan heng, slipping on the ice and falling over.

himeko frowned as we took a seat. "so, y/n, what would you like to discuss today?" mr yang asked, pulling out a file from the cabinet beside him.

"well, theres a couple main things. you know, im currently an employee at luofu tech, and i wouldn't want to completely leave my job if i decide to return."

"we can work with that!" himeko replied quickly, her eyes full only of kindness. "what else?"

"ill try out for the winter olympics and worlds, but whichever one comes to an end first is where i end. i know the age range increased more than a year, but i think its personally good for me if i keep it to that."

mr yangs smile disappeared for a split second, but he nodded. "if that is your decision, ill have no other choice but to accept."

"and one last thing.. ill need a good way of bringing it up with my boss. he doesnt know."

"he doesnt?" himeko asked, confused. "arent you two around the same age?"

"well, if i must say, mr jing yuan might be one of the smartest people currently on the planet, but hes too invested in his work to meddle in things like sports. at least i hope. id rather like to keep it that way, just so my job is easier." the two held back a laugh, mr yang pulling out a pen.

"i see you've given quite some thought to it, y/n. so, what will it be?"

time seemed to freeze in that moment. if i signed, both everything and nothing would be the same. back to the old me. is that what i wanted..?

i was happy with where i was at. a good, stable job, kind and funny coworkers, and an absolutely wonderful boss. but i knew what it was, and what i never wanted to become. i was living a safe life.

the old me used to take risks. try out some new moves, sure. become the youngest female to perform a quad jump in competition? yes it happened. but that was teenage me. im an adult now. could i still take those risks..?

i didnt know what to do. i could leave, and take a chance of never being able to competitively skate again. or sign, and return to glory, both the good and the bad. each side had its pros and cons, and the decision was ever so tough.

but in the end,

"and done." i clicked the top of the pen after signing, my voice slightly shaky. himekos hand pat my shoulder gently as mr welt smiled, clipping my documents together.

"we'll see you tomorrow at six then, y/n."

"yes, sir."

six pm to nine pm, every week night. it was barely as much as i used to, but i knew i could do it. besides, it was the only way to make it work to also stay in my job.

the seemingly hardest part was over, but i knew about the next difficulty. while i could get away with practices and small rumors, what would happen if and when i make worlds or olympics?

how in the world would i break the news to mr jing yuan?

a/n: i literally love hsr characters with my whole heart 

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