╚»★𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 5★«╝

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Since they came after a long time we enjoyed the day hanging out. Suddenly I got a call from Tejasswi.

On call.

Teju – hey karan! Are you alone?

Karan – hey. No I’m sorry my family came from abroad so we are spending time with each other.

Teju – oh ok. I thought I could ask you to hang out with me. Like going to cafe?
She asked.

Karan – me?

I asked confusedly.

Teju – ofcourse you are the one who I’m talking to right now.

Karan – maybe next time.

Teju – ok. How about tomorrow? Same time here?

Karan – yeah! Ok see you tomorrow bye.

With this I end the call. I was blushing.

Abhi – Karan what’s taking you so long?

He came towards me. He looked at me suspiciously.

Abhi – who were you talking to?

He eyed me.

Karan – ah-ba-ba... my friend.

I told him.

Abhi – your friend or girlfriend?

He smirked.

Karan – no. She is my friend only.

Abhi – what did she said that you were blushing?

Karan – ah she asked me to go to the cafe together, tomorrow.

I said smilingly.

Abhi – stop blushing dude. Your so obvious I swear.

Karan – am I? Nah that’s ok. Who never have crush on her. She’s the most beautiful and popular girl in our college.

Abhi – Karan. Be careful before taking any decision. Ok?

He said looking serious at me and I nodded. We enjoyed the day after that.

Tejasswi Singhania {POV}

I arrived at college and I quickly made my way out of my car. I noticed people are staring at the same direction even my friends. I walked towards them. I follow their gaze and my eyes go wide. Even though he is wearing simple he still managed to look hot . He didn’t give much attention to the surrounding and kept walking.

Ari – hey. What happened to the nerd? He looks so hot today.

She said.

Roshni – he looks sexy. After looking at him today I feel like I can sleep with that nerd too.

Roshni said, while her friends eyed at karan. Well she is not really like my friend and all she just come near us. I and Arishfa don’t really like her much.

Teju – shut up ok.

I said I don’t really know but I didn’t like the way she said. I feel a pang in my chest that I don’t want others to see him looking like that. It’s bothering me.

They all looked at me.

Rosh – what happened Tejasswi? All Ok?

Teju – yes.

I faked a smiled.

Ari – Roshni, if you don’t mind we have our lecture so bye.

She said grabbing my hand, as we walk away from Roshni and her gang.
My last class ended and I quickly went outside and walk to the place, where I saw karan already waiting for me. He was sitting and typing some thing. I fake cough to grab his attention and luckily he turns to me.

Teju – let’s go.

I said as he put his phone inside.

We headed to each other cars and I was shock.

Teju – no way. We have same car and model but only different colour.

I looked at him dumbfounded.

Karan – yup! Well I’m a nerd that doesn’t mean I can’t have expensive stuff. It’s my mom gift to me last year for my birthday.

He told me.

Teju – wow me too. My dad gifted me.

Teju – so? Can we take your car? You know it’s awkward to drive separately there.

I explained.

Karan – sure.

He said. He’s car is clean inside and smells like him very manly. I silently inhale to smell his scent. I’m such a pervert!

To be continue....

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