Chapter 1 The Crimson Demon Lord

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In the year 3031 of the New Tiandao, when the maple leaves on Suhong Mountain in Jingguang Prefecture were at their reddest, the Crimson Demon Lord Yan Hongxie, one of the eight great demons, awakened.

He sat quietly on the red lotus platform, wearing a thousand-faced demon robe. The robe made of exotic treasure Tencel shone brightly, and a demon-sealing lock hung on the loose collar.

The Crimson Demon Lord Yan Hongxie lowered his head and looked at the Demon-Sealing Lock. As soon as he thought about it, the Demon-Sealing Lock began to change and pull the thousands of normal threads hidden in the cave. At the end of the threads were countless belts. A spiritual sword with Buddha's light.

The points of the spiritual sword were all pointed at Yan Hongxie's left chest, where his life gate was located.

Yan Hongxie reached out and touched his heart. He had already been stabbed hard there by someone with a sword. The other person was a very strong swordsman, so Yan Hongxie still had scars there.


After Yan Hongxie gave up struggling, he raised his hand and a heavenly book appeared in his hand.

With a faint glance in his eyes, the contents of the book that day kept reappearing in his mind.

Yan Hongxie has seen many strange things, but now he is still shocked by the book in front of him. After all, according to what this book says, he is just the villain at the end of the book.

No matter how powerful he thought he was, only a few pages in this book contained his origins, life, death, and particularly miserable end.

"After being beaten, the demon soul was shattered, and was it abandoned by the devil as a scapegoat? I still knelt on the ground and begged for forgiveness?" Yan Hongxie looked at those words, and the more he read, the more funny he felt, but even though it was funny, he also It was full of mockery.

He, Yan Hongxie, was born a demon, and he was the most bizarre and unpredictable among the demons. Not even the old demon lord could order him at will.

But such a being would be severely damaged by a group of destined people in the Golden Core to Nascent Soul stage?

Yan Hongxie's fingers gently brushed over the part about his awakening. With a thought, he realized that he actually woke up a hundred years earlier than what was stated in the book?

"Oh?" Yan Hongxie's eyes flickered, and he gently pinched a spell with his fingers.

The surrounding spiritual swords made warning sounds, and dozens of spiritual swords had already reached Yan Hongxie's heart. As long as he used his demonic energy, he would definitely be pierced through.

Yan Hongxie looked at those spirit swords and thought of the scenes in which he fought against these spirit sword masters, and quite a few of them caught his eye.


Yan Hongxie waved her finger, and the spiritual swords were gently entangled with red silk threads. The red threads turned into red light and wrapped around the spiritual swords.

The spirit sword began to tremble uncontrollably in an instant. After a burst of rapid shaking, the spirit sword floated quietly over there, no longer moving.

"You are as useless as your master." When Yan Hongxie spoke, his voice was slightly hoarse.

His natural spiritual monster has been silent for so long, and his heart has long been irritated, and his rationality has begun to become a little unstable.

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