Explanation + New Stories?!?

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Okay, so, I know some of you are confused what is going on in the story. So, I'm basically going to give a rough description.

Okay, the deal with Ocean. Ocean needed a break from all of the drama mostly Nash, who was being an ass at the moment. She leaves for a year. She comes back, looking pretty different.

Taylor is obviously still in love with her.

Now I know what's happened with Shawn is confusing, but I'll explain. On the first day him and Ocean met, he instantly fell for her.

Mystery Girl (she'll be revealed later) is the one that blackmailed Shawn and flirted with Nash awhile back. She is also friends with Madison (just a side note).

Ashley (not the Ashley from the beginning) is the girl that flirted with Taylor and was an annoying biotch. Don't worry, this isn't the last of her *smirks*

Now for the new stories.......

Yes, Maddie and I will each be writing a new story separately on this account. I will release my story when it's finished (The Rise) and it's a Shawn fanfic. Maddie's is called I Changed For Different (released) and it's just teen fiction.

I also have 2 other stories on my personal account ( GuitarandBandana ) and Maddie has written stories on her personal ( ideknowmannn ) , but I think she deleted them :/. It'd mean so much if you guys stayed active and voted. If you like our account(s) then you could follow us, and give us feedback! We're starting to get higher and higher in reads, and you have no idea how happy we are. Thanks for being there through the journey of Waves so far, we hope you like what is yet to come!

Sincerely Weirdly,


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