10 Questions

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Hiya, it's Emily here my sweet cupcakes! So, basically Mads and I are doing a little 10 questions of random facts about ourselves and she'll post hers tomorrow soooo ya!

1: my middle name is Rose

2: I've met Matt (I live in northern Virginia, but it was before he was famous)

3: I was born in Maryland

4: I'm obsessed with Shawn Mendes and Chocolate

5: I listen to the weeknd waaaay too much

6: I ship Shaylor so freaking hard like oml you have no idea

7: I'm lying on the floor rn

8: I have an older brother and an older half sister

9: I have a crush on my step cousin #sorrynotsorry

10: I love acting, singing, and dancing

Okay that's all! After Mads posts hers tomorrow, we'll try to brainstorm more ideas! Oh and thank you for almost 800 reads, you guys are the best *hugs through screen*

Sincerely weirdly,



1. I love the Shawn. And Taylor. And Matt. Cameron is adorable also. Cater is ew before and after Maggie. Uh I respect Aaron. Sammy is daddy. Nash is hot but can be a butthole. Hayes is adorable as well as Daniele. Uhhh idk who else but I love Pretty much everyone.

2. My favorite color is black.

3. I love to read anything and love things like the Mafia and the Holocaust. Sad, but super interesting.

4. I have short brown hair that is about to have red streaks.

5. Writing is my passion.

6. I prefer the floor over anything.

7 I live with my grandparents

8. Uh I really don't like people. At all.

9. Music is amazinggggg

10. Idk what else to say so how about sleep is amazing. Like I wake up at 1:00 sometimes after I'm forced out of bed. So.

Goodbye? Anywayzzzz


Hhaha I eat it out of the can and have a secret stash in my pajama drawer. Idk im not ready to leave yet. So.

11. I Live my grandparents

12. I have two half brothers. One lives with me one doesn't.

13.I'm about to move to Alabama

14. Idk what else to say. Byeeeeeee loves

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