The End/Epilogue

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Ocean's P.O.V

It's been a month since I moved in with Shawn. Nash found out a few hours ago, and swore he was flying mom and dad out to "knock some motherfreaking sense into me"

It's ridiculous I'm my own person. He can't do that.

My phone starting vibrating on the counter. I was cleaning the house. I was having my new colleague over in three hours. I decided to use all the college funds I didn't use because I got a scholarship, on an empty warehouse. I'm opening up a humane society for any type of animal that needs to be adopted from all around the world.

I was 3,000 short so one of my guy friends from school Is opening it with me. He's gay, but Shawn doesn't know that and it's halarious to see him all jealous.

I picked up my phone after getting lost in thought.

"Hello?" I asked turning the sweeper off.

"Sweetheart, why is Nash upset?" My fake arse mother asked.

"Mom, I moved in with Shawn. Taylor kicked me out for being borderline raped, and I'm opening my own business. So I'm fine, he's mentally not obviously going this extreme." I finished getting angry all over again.

"Oh. Well ok. But sweetie, I think you should come home for a little bit. I'm worried about you," she said pretending worry. Time to turn on the charm.

"But mommy, I'm about to have a grand opening in a couple weeks. Why don't you come down then, check up on me. And you could bring your book club! Brag a little bit, eh?" I asked sweetly. Her book club is snobby middle aged woman gossiping over expensive tea.

"That would be lovely! I love you bunches sweetie!" She said hanging up. I'm gonna kill Nash.

I looked around. The apartment was clean and I needed to take out the pie, get dresed, and make sure Shawn sets the table.

I took out the pie, before walking to my closet. I decided on a grey dress, with a black skinny belt. The dress looked like a long spaghetti strapped tank.

I put on black hoops, and silver studs in my other two holes.

"Babe?" Shawn called through the house. I smiled and put on my silver sandals.

"Hey Baby," I greeted kissing his cheek.

"The house looks great. Any occasion sweetie?" He said sitting on the bed.

"Mark, is coming over tonight..." I said smirking into the mirror, awaiting his response.

"Oh... well I'll get ready. Didn't know that was tonight," he said taking deep breaths. I put the final touches on my makeup before turning around.

"We have to talk about the grand opening that my wretched mother is coming too thanks to Nash," I said sighing.

"It'll be ok, Oc. She will leave after it's over. Ok?" He said coming towards me, and rubbing my sides.

I pecked his lips, smiling. I nodded.

"I'm gonna go get dressed. Do you need anything?" He asked sweetly.

"Set the table?" I said walking out.

"Of course." He called from the bedroom. I got out the lemonade putting it on the table.

Shawn walked out grabbing forks and plates. As he was setting the table, a knock was at the door. I opened it to be met with Mark.

He kissed both my cheeks, walking in.

**4 hours later**

I took off my dress, slipping on one of Shawns t-shirt. I climbed in bed, snuggling into it comfortably.

"I love you," Shawn whispered pulling me into his side. This was perfect.

I thought about everything. I was always un-happy. Then I moved in with Shawn. I know why now.

I was never ready to move on, let go of the past. But with Shawn, all I wanna do is think about the future with him. At the same time, I just want to sit down and enjoy every moment with him.

I was in love.
I want to marry him.
Have children.
Buy a house with him.

That night I fell asleep with a weight off my shoulders. I knew then that I was gonna be ok. Happy. Especially with Shawn.


Taylor- Two days after he kicked Ocean out, he was arrested for possession of Meth and dealing. He's getting out in three years.

Cameron~ Cam got out a couple months later, and ended up with Ashley. Both are deathly addicted to pain pills that sell for 800$ for three.

Nash~ Nash stayed vine famous as long as he could. He eventually came out of the closet, and found a partner on one of his many adventures. He and Mark are engaged. Nash also came out with a clothing line and well let's say it's VERY popular.

Magcon boys~ Aaron died in a car crash 6 months after Magcon Ended. Carter joined a gang. Matt is now a lawyer. JJ is married and works at Oceans Humane Society. Jack G really did Marry Thotison, who sucked him dry and left him with 5 kids to raise.

Sammy~ He confessed his feelings for Dillion, who Beat him up till he died after getting drunk one night. He's still in Prison and will be for life.

Shawn and Ocean~ Shawn and Ocean are still going strong, and have now moved into a three story house. Ocean's Humane Society has it's own T.V show on Animal Planet, and is known world wide. She was given the news she's expecting two weeks ago. She plans on telling Shawn the same night he plans on proposing. Neither know the others Plans.

♡Not everyone got a happy ending. But Ocean is finally happy. And that's what this story shows. She went through a lot. And stayed strong. What happened? She got everything she had patiently waited for. So stay strong babes. It'll get better. I promise♡

A/N it's over and I'm so sad. But we got another surprise coming so stay tuned. I love you all. And I really do promise it will get better. I'm waiting for it too. If you ever need to talk, my kik is caniff_ismine

I love you guys so much.

Btw I wrote this. It sucks but eh

Currently crying because this was our most successful story, and now it's over. Thank you so much for reading this story, it means so much to both of us. We love you cupcakes. I'm also here to talk. My kik is starquality2002 (shush).

Sincerely Weirdly,


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