The call

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Matt and Gabby woke the girls up got them dressed and fed them they then got themselves ready and then got in their car and drove them to their nannies house and then drove to work.

When they got to work they had their little make out session like every workday and then Herman walked past their car and said love bugs and when they got out he made kissy faces

When they walked in gabby and Matt walked opposite directions and then Sylvie walked up and said her and Kelly were taking the kids on a vacation in 9 months and they talked for a hour till


on their way there chief said there was over 1,000 people there and that we need to help people but stay out of rescue squads way

They sped there at speeds at 100 and when they got there they knew it was going to be a long day

As soon as they stepped out Gabby and Sylvie ran to a couple that had a bar stuck though their legs that connected them together they ran to Herman and asked to cut the bar a little more and when he did they rushed them to the closest hospital and sped back to the scene

Severide and his team brought 14 people that were dead so far to Casey and his team so they put the plastic cover over them and waited for more people to help so far they found 893 people 247 dead and 100 not injured and the rest injured they brought only 600 people and they still have a lot to go

They got called to another call and had to leave and they felt bad but had to cause everyone was at a important call

When they got there Kelly and Gabby got tears in their eyes when they saw it was the place shay died and they saw there was no fire but it was the dude that set it but got out of jail from a bail from a drug dealer he had a gun and had it pointed at Gabby and Sylvie Matt called the police but when they got there he had already shot Mills and when they felt for a pulse there was nothing they all prayed to rennet him and then left the scene

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