✯ The silent connection ✯

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Third person's POV:

Under the veil of night, Seoul, a bustling metropolis blending tradition with modernity, illuminated the sky with its neon tapestry, while a gentle rain shower painted the streets in a shimmering sheen.

In a quiet, quaint neighborhood nestled between the towering city buildings, lived a young boy with an enchanting smile named Jimin.

A young boy at the age of 21, embodies a delightful blend of endearing qualities that instantly captivate those around him.

His shy and reserved demeanor gives him an innocent charm, a soft-spoken soul in the bustling world.Standing at a shorter height.

Jimin possesses a certain grace in his movements, a graceful ballet of steps that seem to carry a melody of their own. His rosy-pink hair, reminiscent of cherry blossoms, adds a touch of whimsy to his appearance, reflecting his vibrant spirit and creativity.

His eyes, shaped like gentle almonds.
The innocence in his gaze is a window to a world untouched by cynicism.The plumpness of his lips frames a smile that can light up the gloomiest of days.

Soft and inviting, they are a canvas of emotions, reflecting his joy, kindness, and every tender sentiment he holds within.

His cheeks, imbued with a natural blush, accentuate his youthful charm, adding to his undeniable cuteness.In the tender curves of his hands, and the softness of his fingertips, resides the touch of innocence and care.

There's a delicate vulnerability in the way he holds the world, a reminder of the beauty found in fragility.

Jimin was the epitome of sweetness and kindness, radiating a gentle aura that drew people to him. He was a bit shy and reserved, finding solace in the pages of his favorite books.

One rainy evening, Jimin was working the night shift at the local convenience store.

The sound of rain against the windows created a soothing rhythm, filling the otherwise quiet store.
He loved this time of night when he could organize the shelves and let his mind wander.

The bell above the door chimed, signaling the arrival of a customer.
Jimin glanced up from arranging the products and froze as he saw a figure with raven hair, a leather jacket, and an array of tattoos and piercings.
his appearance was undeniably intimidating.

Jungkook walked confidently through the aisles, his presence filling the room with an electric energy. Jimin couldn't help but be captivated by his mysterious allure. Eyes as deep midnight hold mysterious allure.

His jet-black, raven hair is styled in a way that complements his chiseled features, adding an edge to his appearance. The tousled locks frame a strong jawline, enhancing the rugged, masculine charm that defines him.

His brows, adorned with subtle piercings, emphasize the intensity of his gaze. Beneath those strong brows, a well-defined, straight nose adds to the harmony of his facial features.

His thin lips, soft and inviting, provide a subtle contrast to his otherwise bold presence. He noticed the faint scent of rain and a hint of cologne as Jungkook passed by.

Their eyes met briefly, and in that moment, Jimin felt a jolt of something unexplainable.

Jimin quickly looked away, feeling a mix of fear and excitement. Jungkook's gaze held a mystery that intrigued him.

Jungkook grabbed a cold drink and a pack of cigarettes, making his way to the counter.

Jimin nervously rang up the items, his fingers slightly trembling. Jungkook's hands, scarred and weathered, caught his attention.

He couldn't help but wonder about the stories behind those scars.

As Jungkook paid in silence, Jimin managed a shy smile, his heart racing. Jungkook's demeanor remained stoic, but Jimin sensed a certain vulnerability beneath the tough exterior.

The unspoken words hung in the air, a silent connection between two souls.Jungkook nodded curtly and left the store, leaving Jimin with a racing heart and the hope of another encounter.

After Jungkook left the store, the gentle chime of the door marked his exit, leaving Jimin in the quiet, rain-soaked ambiance.

He couldn't help but stand there for a moment, thinking about mysterious encounter with that man.

The clock chimed midnight, signaling the end of his shift.
Closing the shop for the night, Jimin sighed contentedly. He loved these peaceful walks in the rain, finding solace in the gentle pitter-patter of droplets on his umbrella.

The streets were glistening under the streetlights, painting a picturesque scene. Just as he was lost in the serene beauty of the night, his phone buzzed in his pocket, pulling him back to reality. It was Taehyung, his best friend and roommate.

"Hey, Jimin! Are you on your way home?" Taehyung's deep and cheerful voice filled the line.

"Yeah, just closing up the shop. I'll head home soon." Jimin said with a smile.

"Alright, don't get too drenched. And, oh, I made your favorite ramen for dinner!" Taehyung added.

"Thanks, Tae. I'll be there soon," Jimin replied, gratitude warming his heart. As Jimin walked home through the rain-soaked streets, the image of Jungkook and their encounter played like a movie reel in his mind.

Entering their cozy apartment, Jimin was greeted by the delightful aroma of Taehyung's cooking. Their home was a vibrant blend of their personalities, a place of comfort and warmth.

"Jiminie! You're back!" Taehyung greeted, his smile lighting up the room. He had a way of making every day a little brighter.

They met in a high school and became best friends and soulmates where jimin is shy and cute, taehyung has a bubbly and cheerful personality.

"Hey, Tae!" Jimin grinned, feeling the familiar warmth that always came with being in Taehyung's presence.After settling down for dinner, Taehyung's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"So, tell me about your day! Anything interesting happens at the store?"Jimin hesitated momentarily, contemplating how to share the story.

"Well, it was a normal day... until this guy walked in"Taehyung's curiosity piqued. "Oh? A handsome stranger, perhaps?"Jimin blushed, "Yeah, actually.

"He had this mysterious aura, tattoos, piercings, and scars on his hands. And he was looking so intimidating"

Taehyung leaned forward, captivated by the tale. "Sounds like quite the enigma, Jimin. Did you catch his name?"

"No, we didn't talk I couldn't even look in his eyes. his hands were bruised and he was looking scary," Jimin confessed, shaking his head.

" But there was something about him... intriguing, yet intimidating."Taehyung nodded in understanding.

"Well, maybe you could meet him again "Jimin smiled, appreciating Taehyung's optimism.
"Maybe." Jimin replied.

Their conversation then drifted to plans for the next day. Taehyung mentioned meeting their friends, Jin and hoesok for a fun outing.

"We should totally go, Jiminie! It'll be fun" Taehyung exclaimed, his excitement infectious.Jimin grinned, already looking forward to the gathering.
"Absolutely! I miss them"

To be continued...........

Did you guys enjoy the first chapter? Your thoughts will help me shape the story in the chapters to come. Feel free to leave your comments and feedback . I can't wait to read what you have to say!

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