✯ A leap towards dream ✯

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Third person's POV:

The dance studio was buzzing with energy as Jimin and Hobi finished their class. Jimin wiped the sweat off his brow, feeling a mix of fatigue and accomplishment after an intensive session.

Hobi as always the bundle of energy, walked over to Jimin. "Jimin, we're planning to hit the club tonight with Jin. Taehyung is up for it too. Would you like to join us for a fun night out?"

Jimin hesitated for a moment, a hint of shyness tinting his cheeks. He wasn't a fan of crowded places or the spotlight that came with them.

"Um, Hobi hyung, thanks for the offer, but you know how I feel about clubs."
Hobi nodded, picking up on Jimin's feelings.

"Of course, Jimin-ah. We won't pressure you.  However, Taehyung mentioned that if you decide to go, he'll join too. He's aware you're not fond of bustling places."

Jimin considered this, feeling a sense of warmth from Taehyung's understanding. A small smile crept onto his face.
"Alright, I'll give it a try for a little while."Hobi grinned, thrilled that Jimin was willing to step out of his comfort zone.
"That's the spirit! We'll make sure you enjoy yourself

After leaving the dance studio, Jimin made his way back to the apartment he shared with Taehyung. As he opened the door, he was immediately enveloped in a tight embrace by Taehyung, who had been eagerly awaiting his return.

"Jiminie!" Taehyung exclaimed, his eyes bright with genuine excitement, and his voice tinged with happiness.
He squeezed Jimin with a genuine affection that warmed Jimin's heart.

"I heard from Hobi hyung that you've agreed to join us at the club tonight. I'm so happy!"Jimin chuckled, feeling the warmth of Taehyung's enthusiasm and the genuine joy in his voice.

He knew how much Taehyung enjoyed these outings, and the happiness in Taehyung's eyes made it all worth it. "Well, I thought it might be fun for a change."

Taehyung released jimin with a beaming smile, squishing his cheeks to show the genuine joy he felt. "That's the spirit, Chim Chim! We'll have a blast tonight."

Suddenly tae remembers something "Hey, Jimin-ah, a letter arrived for you today," Taehyung mentioned, nodding towards the neatly addressed white envelope that lay on the table.

Jimin's eyes widened in surprise and curiosity. "A letter? For me?" he asked, a mix of excitement and nervousness in his voice.

Taehyung's eyes twinkled with shared excitement, a spark igniting a bonfire of hope. "Yeah, it has the Seoul Dance Academy logo on it"

Jimin's heart skipped a beat. Seoul Dance Academy is his dream, and he had been working hard for years to secure a place there.Jimin's hands trembled like autumn leaves caught in a gentle breeze as he delicately tried to unfold the envelope.

Taehyung sensed the fluttering nervousness in Jimin's fingertips, like the delicate rustle of leaves in a prelude to a storm. Gently, he took the envelope from Jimin, his touch a soothing melody against Jimin's racing heart.

"Shall we unravel this together?" Taehyung suggested, his words a calming lullaby in the symphony of Jimin's anxious thoughts.

Jimin nodded hesitantly. Taehyung's hands moved with care as he carefully opened the envelope.

his eyes widened in mock surprise, adopting a somber expression as he looked at Jimin, his voice filled with feigned sorrow, "Jimin..."Jimin's heart plummeted like a stone in a deep lake, sinking into the abyss of disappointment.

He thought, "Not again... did I not make it again?" But before he could let the waves of despair drown him, Taehyung erupted into a hearty cheer, his voice resonating like a triumphant symphony, "Just kidding! You made it, Jimin! You're in!"

Tears welled up in Jimin's eyes, glistening like the morning dew, reflecting the emotions that swirled within. Taehyung's hug felt like a warm embrace from the sun on a chilly day, comforting and reassuring. He had dreamt of this moment for so long, the acceptance into Seoul Dance Academy.

"You have no idea how much this means to me," Jimin whispered, his voice a gentle breeze, carrying the weight of his gratitude. Taehyung pulled back, a proud boxy smile on his face, "You've worked so hard, Jimin. I'm so proud of you!"

Taehyung grinned, mischief twinkling in his eyes, "And you know what? We have a double reason to celebrate tonight!"Jimin tilted his head inquisitively.

"Double reason?" Taehyung chuckled, "Of course! Your acceptance and our adventure at the club! Let's celebrate chim chim" jimin nodded with a wide smile graced his lips.

To be continued........


I've been missing those heartwarming VMin moments so much lately, and it's inspired me to write more scenes about them in this story. the moments that make us smile and feel warm inside. 🥰

I hope you enjoy reading about them as much as I enjoyed writing about their bond.❣️

Thank you for reading!💜

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