✯fury and the fragile memory✯

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In a bustling part of the city, where the hum of life never seemed to fade, lived Jungkook. His life was a whirlwind of contrasts, a juxtaposition of strength and vulnerability.

Jeon Jungkook is a 23 year old young boy of formidable stature, his physique a testament to years of dedication to his passion - boxing. Each scar on his knuckles and every ache in his muscles were badges of honor, earned through intense training sessions and challenging matches.

Tonight, frustration boiled within him, the remnants of a fight that had nearly slipped through his grasp. The gym was his sanctuary, a place where he could channel his anger and disappointment into the rhythm of his fists pounding the punching bag.

His body was a symphony of muscle and sweat, every movement showcasing the power he had honed over the years.

As he struck the bag, beads of sweat formed on his forehead and slid down his strained neck. The muscles in his arms flexed and bulged, a testament to his relentless determination.

Each hit was a release, a way to channel the frustration and disappointment he felt after the fight.

His mind, however, was elsewhere.
It was transported back to a rainy night, a night when he sought solace in the oblivion of nicotine and the comforting burn of whiskey. The fight had shaken him, the narrow victory a stark reminder of how close he had come to losing.

With the taste of the fight still fresh in his mouth, he had donned his helmet and mounted his bike, roaring into the night. Rain had pelted him, but he barely registered it.

He was a man on a mission, seeking the comforts that would momentarily quiet his restless spirit.In the distance, a store's neon lights beckoned.

He parked his bike, his frustrations fueling his steps as he removed his helmet, the rain-soaked strands of his hair clinging to his forehead. He pushed open the door, the familiar jingle announcing his arrival.There, he saw him .

A tender figure with a demeanor as delicate as the pink hue of his hair. His plump lips were formed in a pout as he arranged items on the shelves.

Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, the world seemed to still.the way his gaze had met the innocent, wide-eyed face of the young man
Both were frozen, locked in an unspoken connection.

Jungkook broke the contact, his frustration bubbling within him. He moved towards the aisle, his gaze fixed on the shelves as he grabbed the cigarettes and cold drink.

He could feel Jimin's eyes on him, a silent exchange that hung in the air.Approaching the counter, he paid and left.

The memory was a delicate dance between reality and daydreams. recalling the shy smile and the twinkling eyes that had left an indelible impression on him.

Jungkook wished he had asked for the young man's name, but all he had were fragments of a memory, a fleeting encounter in the rainy night.

Lost in the labyrinth of his thoughts, his phone rang, shattering the memories. It was his friend, a fellow boxer.
Informing him of a fight scheduled for tomorrow. Jungkook, catching his breath, answered the call, "Hey, what's up?"

His friend's voice crackled through the phone, "Hey, Kook! Got some news for you. We've got a match tomorrow. Be ready, it's going to be intense" Frustration still smoldering within him, Jungkook nodded to himself.

"Yeah, got it. I'll be there. Thanks for letting me know."
"Good. Channel that fire, my friend. You'll need it tomorrow. We've got this," his friend encouraged.

As the call ended, Jungkook stood in the gym, the echoes of the conversation blending with the rhythm of the rain outside. He was eager to unleash his frustration and prove his mettle in the ring once again.

To be continued.....

So how did you find this chapter ? If you enjoyed this please respond. I'll be updating another one tomorrow. Looking forward to your thoughts 🥰

Thank you so much reading❣️

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