✯Unexpected Collision and the new beginning✯

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Third person's POV:

Taehyung as always exuding his infectious enthusiasm, walks into the lively cafe, the delightful aroma of coffee instantly putting a smile on his face. He approaches the counter with a lively step, excited to order his favorite cappuccino before rushing off to his art class."Hi there!" Tae greets the barista with a cheerful tone.

"One cappuccino, please. I'm in a bit of a hurry for my class."The barista nods and swiftly prepares Tae's drink, handing it over after receiving the payment. Taehyung thanks the barista, taking the warm cup in his hands and making his way towards the door, lost in the excitement of the day and the anticipation of his art class.

In his haste, Tae doesn't notice someone entering the cafe just as he's about to leave. Their paths collide, and the cappuccino splatters onto the newcomer.

"Oh! I-I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Tae stammers, flustered, bowing apologetically as he tries to find napkins to help clean the mess.

"It's okay." a deep yet calm voice reassures him . Hearing the voice Tae looks up, his eyes meeting the gaze of the stranger. This person, dressed in a black hoodie with a cap, exudes an air of mystery. His eyes are sharp and cat-like, leaving an impression on Tae.

For a brief moment, time seems to slow as Tae finds himself captivated by the stranger's striking appearance. There's a peculiar feeling in his heart, a flutter of attraction that he can't quite explain.

Taehyung, caught in the moment and captivated by the stranger's sharp gaze and striking appearance, can't help but blurt out in an honest and awe-filled tone, "wow... so handsome."

The stranger, slightly taken aback by the unexpected compliment, responds with a surprised "What?"Realizing he said that aloud, Taehyung's face turns crimson with embarrassment.

He stammers, "I-I mean... I... um... I should go. Sorry again." Hurriedly, he exits the cafe, feeling a mixture of flustered and embarrassed not daring to look back.
He takes a moment outside to gather his thoughts and compose himself, replaying the encounter in his mind.

Inside the cafe, the mysterious stranger, with a slight smile on his face, turns his attention back to the door. Under his breath, he murmurs a single, endearing word "cute" something that holds a hint of fondness.



Stepping into the Seoul Dance Academy, my heart pounded like a drumbeat, a staccato rhythm of nervousness and excitement! The grandeur of the entrance seemed to magnify the butterflies in my stomach as I tentatively stepped into the bustling corridor. 'Am I really here?' Amidst the flurry of dancers passing by, a swirl of colors and emotions! I felt a strange mix of awe and feeling out of place. It was as if I were a brushstroke in a vibrant painting, yet struggling to find where I belonged.

The main dance studio was an awe-inspiring expanse! Sunlight streamed through the windows, painting the wooden floor with a warm, inviting hue. Mirrors lined the walls, reflecting a mesmerizing dance of shadows and aspirations! My reflection stared back at me, a reminder of the dreams and fears I carried. 'Can I really do this? Can I find my place here?'

I meandered down the hall, the sounds of practice rooms intensified! It was a symphony of passion and dedication, each room a melody of its own. I couldn't help but feel like an outsider amidst this orchestra of talent. I'm just a newcomer in this vast orchestra of dance prodigies!In the library, the weight of the moment pressed upon me. I stood in the presence of towering shelves filled with knowledge and aspirations! I wanted to seek guidance from those pages, yet felt overwhelmed, lost in a sea of wisdom. So much to learn, so much to absorb.' Can I keep up with the expectations?' Anxious whispers and stolen glances followed me as I made my way through the corridors. The feeling of being watched, judged, crept under my skin, fueling my unease. Doubts crept in, and I hesitated, contemplating if I should ask for directions. Will they think I'm incompetent if I ask for help?Just as I gathered my courage, a sudden voice broke through my anxious thoughts.

"Hey, are you new here?" I turned to find a friendly face of a girl I think she has been observing me from afar

"You seem a bit lost. Need any help?" Relief washed over me as I managed a small smile, grateful for her kindness. Maybe I can find my way with a little help.

"Yes, I could really use some help finding my class," I admitted, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

"Her face lit up with enthusiasm as she asked, "Oh, that's great! What style are you into?"

"I'm into contemporary," I replied, feeling a sense of relief at sharing this common ground. A delighted smile danced across Somi's face. "That's mine too, I'm glad you're into contemporary. Come with me; I'll show you where our classes usually take place."

With a newfound sense of comfort, I followed her through the maze of corridors,The knot of nervousness in my stomach loosened slightly. A guide in this bewildering place is a blessing. Maybe this won't be as overwhelming as I thought. She shared her experiences at the academy, tales of hard work, dedication, and the joys of being a dancer.

As we turned a corner, she pointed towards a studio and said,
"This is where most contemporary classes are held. You'll find amazing teachers and fellow dancers who share the same passion."

Gratitude filled me as I realized how much easier this transition was with her guidance. The studio felt less daunting, and I was eager to embrace the dance form that had always spoken to my soul.

"Thank you so much," I said, feeling a genuine sense of gratitude.
"I truly appreciate your help. It means a lot to me."Somi smiled warmly.

"Of course! We dancers need to support each other. If you have any more questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Welcome to the Seoul Dance Academy family!"

With a gentle smile, she turned towards me and said, "Oh! we didn't introduce each other I'm Somi, "A shy, nervous smile played on my lips as I replied,

"I'm Jimin." My voice was soft, almost getting lost amidst the bustling ambiance of the academy.

"It's nice to meet you, Jimin, I hope we could become good friends" Somi said warmly. "
If you need any help or have questions, don't hesitate to ask me."

"Thank you so much, Somi," I managed, my voice still tinged with nervousness. "I truly appreciate your help. It means a lot to me." It's a relief to have someone extend a helping hand. Maybe I can navigate this new chapter with a bit more ease.

"Of course! We dancers need to support each other. If you have any more questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Welcome to the Seoul Dance Academy family!"

The words 'Welcome to the Seoul Dance Academy family' echoed in my mind, comforting and reassuring. Maybe this is the beginning of something beautiful—friendship and a journey in the world of dance.

To be continued...

"Hello everyone,I wanted to give you a heads-up that my schedule is about to get quite busy over the next 2-3 days, So the update could be a bit slow. However, I want to assure you that I'll do my best to keep you informed and updated whenever possible."💕

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.🥰

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