✯ Two hearts on ride ✯

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Third person's POV:

In the quiet stillness of the night, the neon lights from the convenience store flickered, casting a gentle glow on the dimly lit street. Jimin stood behind the counter, ready for his night shift to begin. The air was calm, the usual bustling of customers dwindling as the clock ticked closer to midnight.The soft chime of the door announced the arrival of a customer.

Jimin looked up, a polite smile gracing his features. It was a regular, a face he had come to recognize. He greeted the customer warmly, offering assistance as they roamed the aisles in search of their preferred items.The night was a canvas of quiet moments, interrupted only by sporadic visits from night owls seeking snacks or essentials.

Jimin found comfort in the quietude, the rhythmic beeping of the register providing a soothing cadence to the night.As the hours passed, Jimin would occasionally glance out of the store window, watching the occasional car pass by or the glow of streetlights casting long shadows. His mind would sometimes wander, thoughts meandering to the dreams he held close to his heart.

As the hours melted away into the night, Jimin's anticipation grew. He would occasionally glance outside, hopeful that he would catch a glimpse of that familiar figure. It was Jungkook, who had somehow found a place in Jimin's thought. it's been quite a few days since he saw him and he is hoping he might see him again. However, as the night progressed, the realization dawned that perhaps this night would pass like so many others - without a meeting.

His shift came to an end, the faint light of dawn on the horizon announcing a new day. Disappointment welled within him, the longing to see Jungkook remaining unfulfilled. He sighed, ready to hand over the reins of the convenience store to the next shift. Yet, a flicker of hope remained, a belief that maybe fate would intertwine their paths on another night.

As Jimin approached the store's exit, the abrupt symphony of a motorcycle roared through the air, a sudden punctuation to the otherwise quiet surroundings.
The distant hum of a bike engine initially seemed like background noise, something to be easily ignored. Jimin continued walking, lost in his thoughts, but then it stopped abruptly, breaking through his reverie. The sudden halt in front of him caught his attention.

Startled,he looked up to see a bike parked right in front of him, and the rider removed their helmet. It was Jungkook. Jimin's heart did a little somersault, a mix of surprise and happiness rushing through him.

"Hey," Jungkook greeted with a slight smile, tucking the helmet under his arm.

"Hi," Jimin replied, trying to hide the excitement that was bubbling within him.

"You finished your shift?" Jungkook asked, leaning casually against his bike.

"Yeah, just got off," Jimin confirmed, still processing the sudden turn of events.

"Need a ride home? You shouldn't be walking around alone at night like this " Jungkook's words carried an air of nonchalance, yet beneath it lurked a gentle warmth, tender notes that plucked at Jimin's heartstrings.

Jimin hesitated for a moment, his introverted nature making him a bit cautious about accepting the offer. He shuffled his feet, glancing between Jungkook and the road.

"Oh, it's okay. I don't want to bother you," he replied, a tinge of uncertainty in his voice. He was considerate and didn't want to impose on anyone.

Jungkook, leaning against his bike, tilted his head slightly, his demeanor reflecting his understanding of Jimin's hesitation. Jimin couldn't help but think Jungkook looked striking in that moment, although he would never admit it, his cheeks coloring slightly. 

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