✯ guardian in shadow ✯

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At night club:

The club was alive with a symphony of laughter and pulsating beats, the atmosphere charged with vibrant energy. Jungkook and Suga walked through the lively crowd, the scent of excitement and music in the air.

Jungkook strode into the club, exuding an air of confidence in his signature style. He favored black attire, a testament to his edgy persona. A well-fitted leather jacket hugged his frame, accentuating his lean, athletic build. Underneath, he sported a black tee, the fabric hinting at the faintest sheen in the dim club lights. His lower half was clad in snug black jeans, expertly tailored to his liking. Completing the look were a pair of sleek, polished boots that added an extra touch of cool to his ensemble.

Suga, accompanying Jungkook, had his own fashion statement. While not as strikingly dark as Jungkook's, his style was equally sharp. He wore a charcoal gray button-down shirt, the hue perfectly complementing the dim club ambiance. The shirt was carefully rolled up at the sleeves, revealing a glimpse of wrist accessories. Paired with slim-fit dark jeans . Suga's look exuded a sense of refined ease, a blend of comfort and sophistication.

Together, they made for an eye-catching duo—Jungkook with his bold, rebellious aura, and Suga with his subtly sophisticated charm. As they stepped further into the club, the beat of the music melded with their personalities.

Suddenly Suga's phone buzzed with urgency, and he fished it out of his pocket, answering the call. However, the cacophony of the club drowned out the caller's voice. Realizing he wouldn't be able to hear properly inside, Suga gestured to Jungkook and made his way towards the exit.

Now, Jungkook remained inside as he was scanning his all around suddenly his eyes spotted someone across the room, a wave of emotions washed over him.  As he saw who that person is.  He is jimin. Beautiful convenience store worker he mat at night.

It wasn't just an encounter; it was a meeting of destiny. The way Jimin sat there, an ethereal aura around him, made Jungkook feel an inexplicable warmth inside. It was more than just seeing someone attractive; His dark eyes couldn't seem to break away from the ethereal sight before him.

Jimin, in that moment, became a celestial being in Jungkook's eyes, glowing with an inner light that seemed to cast a spell on him. His gaze couldn't help but linger on Jimin, who seemed to glow amidst the club's vibrant chaos. The thought of Jimin stirred emotions in him that he wasn't accustomed to. It was more than a casual interest; it was a magnetic pull, an attraction he couldn't explain.

It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them into each other's orbit, and Jungkook felt an unfamiliar warmth spread through him, softening the edges of his usually guarded heart.

Jungkook's gaze hardened as he saw someone sit uncomfortably close to Jimin at the bar. Jungkook could feel a surge of emotions he'd never experienced before. It was a mixture of protectiveness, anger, and an unfamiliar but powerful connection to Jimin.

He clenched his fists involuntarily, his knuckles turning white.
Anger simmered beneath the surface as he watched this stranger invade Jimin's personal space. The urge to step in and shield Jimin from any discomfort grew stronger.

Without a second thought, Jungkook's strides were purposeful and resolute as he approached the bar. He didn't know why this stranger's actions affected him so profoundly, but he couldn't stand idly by when it concerned Jimin.

His voice, as he addressed the interloper, carried a weighty authority, demanding respect and space for Jimin. "Can't you hear? He said no," he stated firmly, his tone brooking no argument, a declaration that he was here to safeguard.

Jimin's heart fluttered at the sound of that voice,seemed to momentarily pause, then raced at an erratic pace as the resonance of that familiar voice reached his ears. The same one that had sent shivers down his spine.

Silent Echoes Of Heart  ||Jikook|| ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now