Tom Riddle 2

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Dating: You see him cry?

"You can fuck off too!" He slapped my hand off his arm. I felt my eyes well up. He placed me on his bed and walked into the bathroom. I sat there uncomfortably waiting. He was taking a while, normally hes only 15 minutes but its been almost an hour. I walked over to the bathroom past his creepy friends. One of them slapped my ass, "CAN YOU FUCKING STOP YOU CREEP!" I screamed. I leaned against the door and banged on it, "Mylove?" I whispered. No answer. "Tom?" I yelled. Banging on the door continuously. "Tom for fucks sake are you pissed at me?" I felt some tears fall down my cheek. No fucking reply.

I started to hit the door in frustration and worry. "Tom mylove answer me!" I screamed. "Im worried about you" I whispered. I turned to his friends "I will kiss whoever knocks this door down" I said in hesitation. They both burst up and one of them hit the door down. I pushed them out my way and ran in. Tom jumped up with tears streaming down his face. I hugged him tightly. "Get out y/n!" He yelled. "No stop pushing me away all the time" I whispered trying to soothe him. He pushed me off. His friends were laughing. "Can I get that kiss you promised?" The guy laughed. "Oh lovely your kissing other men now?" Tom laughed maniacally. "No its not like that!" I moved the hair out of his face. "Y/n why dont I believe you?" He yelled. "Because you never believe me, your so toxic!" I held my mouth, I instantly regretted it. "Get out" He said quietly but coldly. "Tom.." I whispered. "NOW!" He yelled. I stepped back, I ran out the bathroom past the boys. One of them grabbed my arm, "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME!" I screamed with tear's bursting out, my voice breaking. He pulled me to Tom "Look what you've done dickhead" He pointed at me crying. I hid my face from Tom. "Maybe you should date her!" Tom yelled. I gasped, "Tom dont say that" I whispered, my heart broke. "Maybe I will, I wouldnt make her cry uncontrollably and push her away" The boy snapped back. I pushed his hand off my arm and ran. I didn't know where I was going or when i was going to stop. Arms wrapped around me as I ran through the halls. I stopped and fell to my knees. The arms stayed wrapped around me. I couldn't see anything properly I was blinded by tears. "Y/n? whats wrong?" I recognised the voice, It was Draco. "Let me go! LET ME GO!" I screamed. He stroked my hair pulling me into his chest. "Talk to me y/n I just seen you bawling your eyes out Im not leaving" He said and kissed my cheek. "Is it Tom?" He whispered. I sniffled but nodded. "Oh y/n shhh what happened?" He placed his chin on my head. "H-He was crying, I couldn't open the door so I had to bribe his roommate by saying I'd kiss him, It was only to see Tom! So he burst the door open and Tom pushed me off then his roommate said Wheres his kiss so Tom thought I was cheating and screamed at me, I just wanted to see him! I didn't mean to Draco then he said I should date his roommate" I ranted to Draco with more tears.

"Oh princess Ive got you" He whispered "Toms just a dick." "Dont say that hes my boyfriend Draco" I yelled. "I didn't mean it like that, He probably doesn't even love you y/n!" He shouted. I gasped, How could he say that?. "The nerve you have to say that Draco Lucius Malfoy!" I said I had never been so pissed off in my life. "You do not have the right to say such thing, THE FUCKING AUDACITY?!" I pushed myself away from him. "Y/n im sorry" He grabbed my hand. "No Draco go fuck yourself, I HATE YOU I REALLY FUCKING HATE YOU!" I cried more "You can go die you know that?"

Ok that was a bit far I know, but he had no right to say that about the love of my life. "Y/n your such a fucking zombie do you not realise he controls you" Draco yelled. I slapped him then ran off. I went to find Pansy in Blaises dorm. To get there I had to go passed Toms dorm. His dorm door was open how am I gonna pass. "y/n?" A voice came behind me. My eyes were red and puffy from crying so I didn't turn back. "What Tom?" I growled and fast walked to Blaises room. "Will you stop running!" He yelled. He ran after me and grabbed my arm. I winced in pain, "Loosen your grip dickhead" I shouted. He pulled his hand away quickly and as I turned around he saw my red eyes.
"Im...sorry" He hesitated. "Did you just?" I giggled slightly to myself "Apologise?"

He rolled his eyes "Yes I apologised to my amazing stunning girlfriend" He got closer and kissed my head. "Amazing?Stunning? You think?" I looked down smiling to myself. He lifted my head up "No, I know that you are" He kissed my lip gently. I hugged him tightly, I felt my eyes well up. He picked me up and pushed me against the wall. He kissed me passionately. I broke the kiss "Why were you crying my love?" I carressed his cheek, "Dont worry yourself about it."

I pressed my lips against his again. I grabbed his hand and pulled the knife from my pocket I carry everywhere. I spun him around so he wasnup against the wall. He opened his eyes and saw I was holding a knife to his throat. "What the actual fuck y/n" He yelled. I put a finger over his lips. "Why were you crying Tom, you never cry, you never express any emotion that much" I gave him puppy eyes slightly. "Fine, Ive been feeling like I'm not enough for you. And what if I turn out like my father" He said softly looking into my eyes. I pulled the knife away. "You know? That was really sexy" He bit his lip.
"Really?How bout you show me how sexy" I smashed my lips into his and he carried me into his dorm. He began taking my clothes off. After we were undressed, you know what happened, RAILROADED✨

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