Cedric Diggory 1

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Enemies to lovers
Pov:He sees your boyfriend beat you

I was skipping down the hallway when Cedric caught my eye. "Careful you dont trip" He winked, I rolled my eyes "I wont thanks" I said sarcastically and kept going. He stuck his leg out and tripped me up. "You should take my advice" He smirked making me growl in frustration. He laughed in my face and I had tears well up,my anger turning into tears. "Aw dont cry little girl" He mocked me, "SHUT YOUR SELFISH MOUTH" I screamed at him. He was taken aback by my outburst and didn't say anything so I stormed off. I stormed into my boyfriend Draco Malfoys dorm. "Hi love" I ran into his arms and cried into his chest. "Whats wrong princess" He stroked my hair and kissed my head. "Cedric again!" I yelled the tears blinding me and turning everything into little blurry blobs. "Whats it this time" He whispered still soothing me from my current state. "He tripped me up then just laughed in my face then he said dont cry little girl" I growled clearly pissed off. "Aw princess ive got you" He hugged me even tighter making me calm down feeling his warmth. "I'll kill him" Draco mumbled, "No Draco dont!" I rushed up and held my hands out to stop him. He pushed me aside and ran out the room. I chased him my body full of panic, I knew what Draco was capable of when he's angry. I heard him yell "Where are you cedric COME OUT AND FIGHT ME!" He yelled. I kept trying to find him. I saw him with a hufflepuff girl holding her by her shirt, "Where is Cedric fucking Diggory!" He shouted into her face. I grabbed his arm "Dray stop it your being ridiculous!" I tried to pull him away from the poor girl. "Get the fuck off me you slut!" Draco yelled pushing me to the ground and kicking me. I laid there crying my eyes out and blood pouring from my mouth. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Someone yelled, I saw a boy wearing yellow come out from around the corner. He was running, Cedric? "Well well well here's the dickhead who thinks its ok to hurt my girl" Draco punched him. Cedric pushed Draco back. "YOU JUST BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HER!" He ran to me. Draco looked back in realisation. "Shit no no no Y/n!" He ran to my side with his hand under my head. "G-Get away from me" I stuttered absolutely terrified of him. "Darling I didn't mean to I didn't know what I was doing, I couldn't control it. You know I love you, I wouldn't hurt you, your my world y/n. Your not a slut i didnt mean it please, I cant do this without you, Ill take you to the hospital wing." Draco poured his feelings out. He attempted to pick me up again but Cedric pulled him back. Draco screamed with tears and anger, Cedric held him back as I crawled up and walked over to them. "Y/n get back" Cedric yelled. "No give me a second" I kneeled down infront of Draco who was also on his knees and clearly in pain emotionally. I held his face with two hands, "Breathe Draco Breathe" I whispered. I tried to console him as he sobbed and Cedric had a tight grip on him. I moved the hair out of his face and I kissed his cheek gently. He calmed down after a while and once he did, I slapped him. "FUCK YOU!" I screamed, my voice full of emotions. He looked down his eyes red and puffy. Cedric caught my eye his jaw was clenched and his fist was too. "Shit" I mumbled to myself, "Cedric dont!" I launched forward but it was too late Cedric punched Draco across the face and was beating him to death. "CEDRIC STOP!" I screamed and tried to push him off. I screamed for help "HELP SOMEBODY HELP!" Cedric snapped out of it and looked up at me. He got up and Draco was unconscious. Professors ran in, "Mr Diggory care to explain yourself?" Mcgonagall asked "Or perhaps miss y/l/n since your both covered in blood." I looked down nervously and wiped some blood from my lip. "I will, Malfoy here tried to kill her basically" Cedric yelled. "Dont lie Diggory we all know you just wanted to take a swing for him" I growled taking Dracos side. He looked at me in disbelief. "What are you talking about you were here" He whispered but so everybody could hear. "Yes I was, Draco did nothing to you!" I screamed into his face. I ran at him but Snape stepped infront and I stopped. "And why are YOU covered in blood y/n?" Cedric yelled, I growled. "I tripped, Draco was helping me and YOU came and beat him" I yelled back and he just stared at me. "Is this true Mr Diggory?" Dumbledore asked looking from me to Cedric. "Obviously not!" Cedric whisper shouted at him. "Well whos gonna help Draco then!" I screamed and Snape healed him. Draco was carried out and Professors left me and Cedric. "Draco was right, your a fucking slut" Cedric pushed me against the wall. I tried to push him off me but he didn't budge. Our faces were so close and I did the dumbest thing imaginable especially since I hate his guts. I kissed him, I was just so stressed and upset. A soft kiss turned into a rough kiss. I broke the kiss, "Get off me!" I screamed, He covered my mouth quickly and whispered "You kissed me idiot" He laughed and lifted my head up kissing my neck. "Stop I have a boyfriend" I finally pushed him off. "Funny Im pretty sure he's the one that made you bleed" He said sarcastically. I looked away from him avoiding eye contact. "Look at me" He yelled and I stared into his eyes as he cupped my face. "I don't want to see you near him" He hugged me gently. "Hes.My.Boyfriend" I whispered harshly in his ear. I moved from his grip and walked away. He grabbed my hand quickly and twirled me around, I was facing his chest and he kissed my head. "Stay with me tonight..please we'll sort this in the morning" He whispered and I hesitated but agreed. My free hand traveled to his beautiful brunette hair. I smiled as I played with his hair and brushed it away from his face. "Wow you have very pretty eyes" I giggled and stared into his gorgeous grey eyes. "Oh thanks" He chuckled and placed his hand on my waist. We walked back to his dorm and his friends were there. "Whys ferret boys girlfriend here" One of them shot up. "Shut the fuck up" Cedric yelled and I covered his mouth. "Sorry he didn't mean that!" I shrieked and smiled at them. "Me and Draco had an...argument" I looked up at Cedric with sad eyes. "Now you 4 be quiet and stay out of the bathroom" He snapped and gently pulled me towards his bathroom. "Why are we here" I whispered and leaned into his chest. "You can have a bath ill wait" He smiled softly and turned the bath on. I sat on the bathroom floor waiting for the bath to be ready. Cedric walked out to let me change. I undressed and dipped my foot in, It was boiling and I shrieked a little.  "Y/n are you alright?!" A voice yelled from the opposite side of the door. I hummed in response "Just extremely hot" I giggled. I sighed and sat in the boiling hot bath,wincing every few seconds. I washed my hair and wrapped myself in a towel once I was finished. "Cedric?" No answer. "He left" One of his friends yelled. "Shit, I dont have any clothes" I whined. I heard movement and the door opened. "Here" His friend reached through with his eyes shut. I grabbed the stack of clothes from his hand and shut the door. As I was changing, I only had sweatpants on and a crop top. Cedric walked in "Hi sorry I need to talk to you, wait why is your whole body red are you alright?!" He rushed to me panicked and embracing me. "Cedric Cedric its just the steaming hot water" I laughed and hugged him back, My arms loose around his neck. He pulled away "Sorry you worried me" He smiled and kissed my head. "Why are you wearing my sweatpants, where did you get them" He smirked, I gasped "Oh sorry your brunette dorm mate gave them to me" I rubbed my neck embarrassed. "Well are you gonna give them back?" He yelled. I frowned and nodded, they were so comfy. I stared to take them off with only my white laced panties underneath. "Merlin y/n I was kidding!" He rushed to me and pulled them back up. My eyes widened as I looked behind him and saw the boys staring in. I fell into his chest embarrassed, He stroked my hair while laughing. "Its not funny im so embarrassed i'm gonna die" I groaned. He patted my back still laughing his head off. "Will you stop laughing?" I pushed him back. "Im sorry" He said in between laughs. "Your still laughing!" I growled and ran past his dorm mates who we're talking about me. I jumped onto Cedrics bed and buried my head into the pillow. He sat beside me and rubbed my back. I felt very relaxed when he rubbed my back. He stopped and I laid there confused. Suddenly, I felt a body lay on top of me and hug me. "Diggory is that you?" I whispered feeling his comfort. He hummed in response and I melted under him. "Your very comfy" He smirked and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I reached up and ruffled his hair, I felt him smile against my neck. "Goodnight" I smiled and he replied "Goodnight love."

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