Pansy Parkinson 1

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Enemies but crushing
Pov: You flirt with her best friend (luna)

Me, Pansy and my best friend Ivy and 2 other girls called Marley and Evelyn, all share a dorm. Every morning Pansy never fails to ruin my mood. "Y/n looking good today" Pansy smirked eyeing me up from her bed. "Funny Id rather talk to Potter than you, infact Id rather speak to the entire group of gryffindors than you" I yelled as she has pissed me off one too many times. "It was just a compliment angel" She laughed walking closer to where I laid on my bed, across the room from hers. Thats when I realised the other girls weren't even in the room. She laid next to me and I gasped by surprise, her hands placed themselves on my thighs. "Pansy what are you doing?" I exclaimed standing up and pushing her off my bed. Her grin only grew wider, "You know I love it when you play rough" My eyes widened at her words. Her words caught me off guard but I played it off. "Shut it Parkinson" I growled and Grabbed my uniform heading towards the bathroom. "It is only us girls here you dont have to go in there" She whispered and I could feel her hot breath against my neck. "Turn around Parkinson" I pushed her then walked to my bed. But as I took my pyjama shirt off, leaving me only im my white laced bra, I felt her eyes staring into my back. "If you want a show come over here and stop staring" I joked and sat down on my bed facing away from her. Then my bed moved and hands wrapped around my waist. "What the fuck Pansy!" I screamed turning around then standing. "I want that show, angel" She whined practically pleading with her eyes. "It was a joke obviously" I used my shirt to cover my chest. "Dont hide from me angel" She pouted but it quickly turned into a smirk. "God your all rude to me one second then the next you have your arms around me while im shirtless just fuck off pug nose Pansy" I yelled storming off into the bathroom and locking the door. Not gonna lie I felt kinda bad for yelling in her face like that. I finished changing and left the bathroom to apologise to her but it was empty. "Fuck" Maybe I had gone too far. So I did my makeup and just put my hair into a slicked back ponytail then left to go have breakfast. There she was, her head down as she walked with Blaise. Her hood remained up, she never had her hood up she hated how it messed her hair up. Don't ask how I know that, when you have a severe crush on someone, you pick up things about them. Not that I have a crush on her or anything, im straight. Her eyes wandered the hallways and locked on me, She quickly sped up and removed eye contact from me. "Blaise!" I yelled hoping Pansy would stop if Blaise did, He turned but Pansy dashed around the corner. "You fucked up y/n" He whispered as I reached him. "I know ok?You dont know the full story do you?" I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air pissed off. "No I don't and by the sounds of it I dont think I want to anymore" He smirked slightly then saw my expression and hid it.

I chased Pansy hoping I could catch up with her before she entered the Great hall. "Pansy come here right now!" I yell hoping for some sort of response. But the only response I had was a head shake and her back glued to my sight. I groaned and tried to grab her arm before she opened the door but I was too late and she had already entered. She was so stubborn! Where she sat there was a seat beside her and Goyle was going for the seat. "Fuck off Goyle" I growled pushing him down to the ground. I took my seat next to her then whispered "Im sorry can you call me Angel again please" Hoping she would laugh and call me my favourite nickname she gave me. Her stare was cold and locked on the wall infront of her. "Fine sit next to Goyle then" I mumbled and stood finding another seat. Next I sat next to Draco in a huff. "Whats got you so pissed?" He laughed wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Pansy being a fucking whiny grump all the time" I held my head in my hands and looked down the table to see Pansy with her head in her hands "I shouted Pug Nose Pansy at her and suddenly its the end of the world" I rolled my eyes. Dracos face dropped   "y/n you know she gets bullied with that nickname every day" Draco whispered and I chuckled. "Good shes such a bitch to me every time I see her" I groaned rubbing my temple. "She's going through things Y/n" Draco looked down the table as well. "Just say it, I've really fucked up"I banged the table and suddenly the whole slytherin table looked at me. I grabbed a waffle and some fruit then left the hall. It was calming to wonder the halls alone. Its freedom and helps your mind relax and forget all your worries and just be quiet. Jinxed myself. Fred and George flew down the halls on their broomsticks laughing and yelling silly things and spells. "Hiya Y/n!" They yelled in sync. "Hi boys" I rolled my eyes and walked past and finally reached outside where I slumped myself against a tree and continued eating my waffle while writing a little in my diary. Then I saw the golden trio walking towards me and I buried my head in my book. Ronald stupid Weasley walked up to me and sat next to me same with the others. "Why arent you in the great hall with your slytherin friends" Granger asked facing me then looking at my book. "i wanted peace" I groaned slightly then looked at each of them. "Oh right sorry we'll leave you" Harry nodded and they backed away. A while after, of reading and small interactions with passerbyers, It was getting cold so I went back inside. Pansy, Draco and Blaise were bullying a first year. "So tiny, where did all your books go?" Pansy smirked,the kid looked confused and held his books up. "My b-books are here" He sniffled. Then Pansy grabbed the boys books and through them across the hallway. "Where are your books now?" She laughed and stopped him from picking them up. I picked the boys books up and walked over annoyed. "Oi you 3!" I yelled and they quickly turned their heads. "Shit Y/n im sorry" Dray lowered his head in embarrassment. "Here you go little one" I pushed Pansys arm away from him and knelt down infront of the little boy. I held his hands in mine and looked up, "hey are you hurt?" I whispered rubbing his hands gently. He was too afraid to speak and just nodded while pouting his lip. "Oh dear ive got you" i hugged him gently and stroked his cheek. "Run along" I giggled and he smiled running off. Pansy was avoiding any eye contact with me so I dismissed the boys. They listened and walked off leaving me and Pansy alone in the empty hallway. Before she could run I had her pinned against the wall and trapped her with no option to escape. "Get off me perv!" She squirmed trying to push me away. "Stop being so annoying and grow the fuck up!" I yelled shoving her harder against the wall. "Stop it ow   y/n!" She screamed and I stopped only so no one would hear. "Shut the fuck up Pug nose" I growled then realised "Sorry sorry dont run please" I rested my head against her chest. "Leave me be I have a party to get ready for" She yelled and finally managed to push me off. "Hufflepuff party?" I asked walking next to her as she hurried away from me. "Yes" She groaned leaning her head back annoyed. This is perfect Ill make her pay for ignoring me. "Ok wear a pretty dress for me" I mumbled then chuckled and walked the other way. Hope she doesn't wear a short dress I don't think I'll be able to stop myself if she does. Then I arrived at my friend Lunas dorm in ravenclaw after a short walk around the castle. I opened the door and there she was, Pansy fucking Parkinson. In a little white dress that rose above her knees.

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