Blaise Zabini 2

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Pov:He finds you asleep after forgetting your anniversary.

It was today, Blaise and I's two year anniversary. Were supposed to be having a picnic with chocolate covered strawberries, ice cream and sandwiches. I had called in sick so I don't have to go to classes and I'm guessing Blaise did to, we planned it last week. All there was left to do was, my hair, makeup, and pick a dress that he will love! Blaise is packing the food and setting up the picnic so I'm gonna bring some board games and my gifts for him. Im so lucky to have him he treats me so well. Although I said I was sick Im hungry but I cant go into the hall So ill go to Blaise and ask if he can go get me some breakfast. His dorm is quite close to mine so I snuck to his and knocked delicately. "Who is it" There was a yell from inside. "Y/n Zabini" I giggled and the door flew open and his arms wrapped around my torso. "Excited to take my last name princess?" He smiled and rested his head in the crook of my neck. His smile only grew and I felt it on my neck. My excitement was building up and all I could feel was his lips connecting to my skin on my neck. "My boy could you do me a favour and get me some breakfast I called in sick for today" I smiled carressing his cheek then kissing it ever so gently. "Of course princess" His hands squeezed my waist then reached for my hand and twirled me around "All mine" He whispered and kissed my hand. Butterflies went through my stomach and I threw myself on to his bed and made myself comfortable. He pulled his shirt off revealing his bare chest, and gorgeous abs. "All for me hm?" I smirked laying back even more and my eyes lingering across his figure. "All yours" He laughed and winked at me, red sneaking up on my already rosy cheeks. While I stared, he pulled a shirt over himself and left his dorm blowing me a kiss. It had been 30 minutes and I was almost asleep until the door opened and hands laid themselves on my waist turning me around to face them. "Hello princess got your food" He signalled to his bed side table with a tray. I wiped the blush from my face and hugged him. His hands snaked around my waist embracing me tight and kissing my neck gently.  We sat on his bed laughing, chatting and eating breakfast together. Him sneaking little kisses every now and then. "Ill see you in a bit" I smiled and kissed him passionately, Smiles creeping up on both our faces and him smacking my ass making me turn quickly and raising my eyebrows at him.

It was getting closer to our scheduled time. There was no message on my phone from Blaise but he's probably just setting up. I had gotten my dress on, my hair all fixed up all was needed to do was my makeup and grab my gifts and games. So I did just that and it was ready to leave, I reached the lake where we were having our picnic but I couldn't see Blaise. Confused, I walked further along the lake there was still no sign of my boy. "Blaise" I cried out, slightly worried if something had happened on his way here. "im sure hes fine probably running late" I mumbled to myself sitting on a dry rock and setting up the board games and gifts on the field beside me. An hour had passed, no sign. I laid on the grass day dreaming and wishing for the sight of my boyfriend but still no. In the end I fell asleep and woke up when it was pitch black. There was no boy in sight, no sign of anyone being here except me.

In anger, I packed everything back into my bag, he had forgotten hadn't he?

I stormed back to the castle and banged on the door to his dorm. There was no answer until an echo came from the end of the hall. "Theres my gorgeous princess" Blaise chuckled, drunk, his friends supporting him as he walked over to me. But I was too angry to return the compliment "How could you?! You forgot our two year anniversary and instead you went drinking with your friends?" I cried out tears streaming down, my eyes already red from crying before. "Maybe we should go" Mattheo whispered to Theo on the other side of Blaise. "No worries I was just leaving" I gulped down my sobs and left to go back to my dorm. Pansy, Katie and Charlotte were in there, my dorm room mates. They noticed my current situation and rushed over bringing me in to a tight group hug. "Whats happened, how did the picnic go?" They whispered while stroking my hair and guiding me to my bed. "He forgot and drank with Mattheo and Theo" I couldn't hold back my flood of tears and I was a sobbing mess as they laid me down and sat with me. "Thats crazy, Blaise has always been so nice how could he" Katie exclaimed caught by surprise by his actions. But I wasn't in the mood to talk any further about it and they left me alone for a while, like I requested. It was all too much for me and I was crying too much and eventually cried myself too sleep.

Blaise pov:

I had slept the alcohol off and Theo was on the chair by my bed rubbing his temple anxiously. "Yoo Theo whats up" I laughed sitting up but with a pounding headache. "Dude you fucked up" He huffed and sat up from slouching. "What are you talking about?" I whispered confused, groaning at the pain in my head and the sick feeling.  "You forgot your two year anniversary with Y/n she ran off crying im guessing to her dorm" Theo muttered feeling ashamed for me im guessing. I had forgotten our anniversary fuck fuck. Our picnic too! "I need to see her" I put a hoodie over my shirtless body as I rushed out of my dorm to hers. There it was, the door to her dorm. Many things were running through my head. What to say, how to say, how to not make her more upset. But I still opened the door, slowly and quietly. There she was the most beautiful, perfect girl I had ever laid eyes on. And she was crawled up on her bed, sleeping with a blanket covering her legs. Her hair was placed perfectly in a high ponytail and she was still in a tight black dress that hugged her figure perfectly. I moved over to where her body laid and rested my hand on her thigh, kissing her head gently. I pulled my hoodie off of myself and did a spell to change her without waking her up. Putting my hoodie on her. When she was changed, I laid on her bed next to her, stroking her hair and kissing her gently every few seconds.

"Blaise" She whispered half asleep, her eyes not fully open. "Yes its me princess and Im ever so sorry for forgetting love its just ive been so overwhelmed and I thought drinking would help but it didn't. Your presence is much better and I can't tell you how sorry I am" I pleaded for her forgiveness, kissing her hand as I grasped it in mine. "Fine but you owe me a date and a new dress" She whispered still not even awake properly. I chuckled at her state and rested my head in the crook of her neck. "My head hurts" I whined into her neck she turned over.She kissed my V-line then hugged me, reaching up and kissing my forehead.

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