Theodore Nott 3

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Pov:Your first argument

"Shush your so obsessed with him" My friend Pansy Parkinson giggled. Then I realized I had ranted about Theo for hours, about his smile and the way he looks at me. "Sorry" I whispered and let out a small laugh of realisation. They just continued their conversations and I just couldn't stop thinking of how Theo made me feel everytime I'm with him. "Oh my god your thinking of him arent you?"Katie my friend asked as I zoned out. I snapped out of it and smirked "Maybe." The girls just rolled their eyes and began to walk away out of the common room. "Guys?" I whispered confused as to why they were leaving. "What Y/n?! Your so focused on Theo you don't spend time with us any more" They yelled at me standing by the door. "What? I spent time with you today, yesterday, the day before and many days before that, I haven't seen Theo in days because of you spoilt brats, Am I not allowed to miss my boyfriend God your so self absorbed" A scream of frustration escaped my chapped lips. They ignored me and continued to leave, slamming the door behind them. The rain poured down outside and I watched it hit against the windows. Rain calmed me down, but right now it wasn't I was too angry with them. I had spent my whole life attending to their needs and when I get a boyfriend I can't even spend time with him. Speaking of, Theo ran in after a few seconds of the rain spitting down. "Cara Mia?!" He yelled rushing over to me crawled up by the fire place "I knew it was you." My eyes were teary but full of anger. "What do you want" I mumbled facing away from his gorgeous face that was lit up by the fire. Instead he cupped my face and forced me to look him in the eye. "Bellissima tell me why so sad" He kissed my head gently and listened to me rant about the girls. "Wow talking about me for hours huh?" His laugh and italian accent mixed so well. My heart melted and I lost myself in his gorgeous blue orbs that glimmered in the light. My head nodded fast as I answered his question, it was a delayed answer as his eyes, hair and voice made me lose track of all thought process until I came back into my body, right then I was in heaven thinking of him. His smirk grew wider as I leaned into his chest and stayed there awhile. The rain stopped pouring the second I embraced him, it was like a miracle or a coincidence whatever. "I'll have words with Pansy"Theo whispered and stroked my hair as I laid on his lap by the fire. "Tesoro, va bene" I giggled as I spoke italian and his face became happier in that one second. "That was sexy Cara Mia" He bit his lip and flipped us so he was on top and he started to kiss my neck. "Feels amazing" I moaned slightly when his lips reached my sweet spot. "I've hardly touched you" He was growing eager to though, I could tell by the way he grabbed my waist tight. "My dorm now"He practically whined while pulling me on to my feet. This feeling I felt, it wasn't good, I felt like he only wanted me for body. I was zoned out for a few seconds wondering why he was always begging to fuck me all the fucking time. His hands waved infront of me and I snapped out of it. "I need to talk to Draco" A tear dropped from my eye and I was quick to wipe it away. Theo laid there for a good few seconds watching me run outside. "What is it Y/n" Draco groaned when I walked into his dorm. Until he saw the tears flowing then he rushed off his bed and hugged me tight. "Who hurt you, was it Theo?" Draco growled holding me by my shoulders. In the moment I was too upset and sobbing too much to answer so he picked me up and laid me on his bed. He sat next to me and I put my head on his lap, he began to stroke my hair. After calming down because he was stroking my hair, "Theo, I feel like he wants me for my fucking body" I whispered trying to hold back more tears. That's when I realised the mistake I made, Draco is my boy bestfriend and he would do anything to protect me, Including beating someone up. The rage in his eyes was worrying so I sat up, stood up, grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his dorm. "You wanna get him back?" Draco whispered closely down into my ear from behind. Fuck, his deep voice sent shivers down my whole body and I felt goosebumps growing onto my arms and legs. The heat of the moment, I nodded and I knew exactly what he had on his mind. When we reached the common room, Theo was asleep on the couch. Draco guided me towards the other couch and pushed me down onto my back. For a second I was second guessing on this revenge plan but instead I went along with it. Theo doesn't have deep sleeps so a little noise will wake him. I wrapped my arms and legs around Draco as he hovered over me. His hands traveled to my waist tugging on my shirt. I connected my lips with his and placed my hand on the back of his head to deepen the kiss. We laughed and shushed each other to wake him up. Luckily he woke up soon after we started kissing. Not to my knowledge though. Draco was ripped off of me and I gasped. Theo and Draco started fighting and I watched Theo reach for his wand. "NO THEO DONT" I yelled running towards him and pushing myself into him and he fell down to the ground as he raised his wand. We landed on the floor, me slightly on top of him. His face was annoyed, angry and full on furious. Hands pulled me off of him and it wasn't Draco it was Enzo. In the corner of my eye I saw Draco rushing off pulling his sweater off in an angry fit. My legs tried to run after him but Theo grabbed me roughly and blocked me. "God your such a dick we were only getting revenge on you!" I screamed slapping him across the face. He stood there even angrier but confused too, "Revenge?For fucking what?" He yelled grabbing my wrist after I slapped him. "Using me you twat" Emotions were spreading through my body like wild fire. His expression was now completely confused and I wasn't able to tell if he was going to yell or not. "Using you?" He stood there slowing letting go of the grasp he had on my wrist and stepping back. Now I was the angry one, "Yes using me don't act like the victim here" Without thinking my hand flashed across his face, slapping him again. I shut my eyes tight expecting a crazy reaction. Instead I was met with silence and I opened my eyes to see him shaking and running his hands through his hair. "What are you talking about y/n" He whispered in full panic mode stepping back more until he stumbled slightly but managed to keep himself upright. "YOU USING ME FOR MY FUCKING BODY, Im upset your mind goes to fuck me, Im angry your heart tells you to fuck me, Im happy your body makes you fuck me, Im jealous your dick says to fuck me, Im fed up of my body being some toy to you Theo!" Before my body could react and slap him again he grabbed my wrist and slapped himself with my hand. Tingles and pain ran through my hand but I didn't show any sign of it. Theo stood there, my arm in his grip and he was ready to yell but instead he breathed deeply and whispered into my ear "Im sorry its tough for me too I just don't want to lose you" His voice was sincere and broken. With no holding back I rushed my arms around him, tightly so he couldn't push me off. Then he pulled away after some silent minutes and held my face in his veiny hands. "Dont ever think you are an item to me cara mia, you are the most perfect, prettiest girl in the world"He whispered and before you could say anything he put a finger over your lips. "And your smart, funny and so kind when it comes to first years, you lick your lips after I kiss you, you scoot closer to me when your around older years, you play footsie with me at the dinner table to distract me from my emotions, you hold first years hands to get them away from bullies or big crowds, you buy me flowers for valentine so i feel included, You paint your nails only to scrape it off two minutes after when your stressed or bored, and you dress up for halloween every year to walk around the school at night with me, I love the thing you do with your eyes when you study and look up at me, I love the way you look at me y/n you make me feel appreciated and special in your presence" He held my hands and got on his knees "I am so fucking sorry for the pain I caused you my La Mia Bellissima dolce ragazza" Tears left his eyes as he begged. "Theo get up" I whispered as others began to walk in. "Please forgive me La Mia Bellissima dolce Ragazza, Please" He pleaded and people were crowding around. Eventually he stood up and kissed my hand, "I forgive you my boy but I have no idea what you just said" We laughed and I kissed his cheek. He hissed at the others to leave and we went to find Draco. As soon as we reached an empty hallway "Draco your disgusting" I giggled as I saw him drinking on the floor.

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