Lorenzo Berkshire 2

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Academic Rivals to lovers
Pov: You have a panic attack about your grades because of your family.


Today we get our results for a test, Its not important but my parents are depending on me to keep up the family name. Theres a boy in slytherin called Lorenzo. He has very pretty eyes but his beautiful brunette hair covers them. Anyways Pansy is waiting for me so I need to change and meet her in the common room. Once in my robes, I did some light natural makeup then rushed out the door while tying my hair into a high ponytail. I noticed Pansy giggling with A certain brunette. "Morning Pans!" I hugged her tight from behind. "Morning" She hugged me back, I looked up as the boy towered over me. "Good morning Y/n" He smiled at me and put a strand of hair behind my ear. I got lost in his mesmorising eyes. His voice echoed inside of my head "Y/n?" He whispered, clicking his fingers. I snapped out of it and gulped, running a hand through my hair. "Sorry sorry zoned out" I looked down avoiding eye contact. "Pans lets go yea?" I pulled her away and heard Enzo chuckle to himself but I didn't look back. We continued to walk and talk. "You and Enzo should totes become a couple" She giggled into my ear while latching onto my arm. My head shook rapidly "No no no I would never date him, Hes such a nerd" I yelled and gagged as a joke and we both laughed. A hand stopped me by my waist, Making me jump. It was that very hot nerd Enzo. "Hi" He smiled down at me, I replied "Oh hey did you..need something?" Pansy was smirking behind me and I knew. He nodded "Can I walk to class with you?" I stared at him confused and raised my brows. "Class is right there" I pointed at the room behind him. "Oh right" He chuckled and pulled my arm into the class. I quickly held Pansys hand to pull her with us. Enzo pulled my seat out and I got lost in his eyes for a second then sat. He walked over to his seat across the class and I watched him lay his books out. Pansy cleared her throat and all my attention snapped off Enzo. "Staring?"She smirked and twirled my hair. I rolled my eyes and smacked her hand off lightly. Enzo's hair looked so perfectly placed and his eyes wandered around the writing on his books. His small smile lighting up his face. His hands carressed the tables carvings, writing E+M. Stands for Enzo and Mattheo I think. Anyways, his eyes lingered from his book to my direction and I quickly turned my head. The teacher handed out assignments and everyone but me got theirs. "Hey Y/N what did you get?" Enzo whisper shouted across the classroom , I rubbed my hands anxiously "I dont have mine yet" I stuttered, worried about my results. He nodded "Im sure my results will be higher" He winked then turned back around. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "Oh here it is Y/n" The teacher handed me my test. I let out a relaxed sigh as I grabbed it from her. I closed my eyes and threw it to Enzo who was desperate to know. "I cant look" I frowned and Pansy hugged me. Enzo looked back, "Hey you got 83/100 right!" He beamed at me "I got 97 though." Pansy and Enzo laughed while I gripped my skirt in my hand tightly. My breaths got heavier and louder until someone in the class, my bully, yelled "Jeez Y/n are you that dumb?" Almost everyone laughed so I looked over to see if Enzo was laughing but he was already looking at me worried. As I prepared to run out, Enzo stood up walking over to me. So I ran and ran out the class, Once outside I slid my body down the wall and started to panic more. I started to cry and a body threw themself in front of me. "Y/n hey im here!" Enzo held my hands "Why are you so upset." I tried to hold back the flood of tears. "My grades are worse!" I yelled slightly, He chuckled. "Its just a small test calm down"

I groaned in frustration and annoyance. "My parents will kill me, you don't understand" I bawled and put my head in my hands. "Hey im sure you can reason with them, It was small but difficult" He rubbed my cheek gently. I wanted to slap him so bad but he had such a pretty face. "No no no you don't under"He interrupted me by pulling me into his chest. "Enzo?" I whispered trying to pull away. He hushed me and stroked my hair, "Please stay Y/n we both need this" He mumbled and hugged me tighter. I listened and stayed, he was warm and his heart was beating fast. "Your hearts beating fast" I giggled & looked up at him with a small smile, still having tears in my eyes. "Stop crying y/n" He chuckled slightly wiping the tears away but instead it made me cry more. "I cant" I screamed but my screams were muffled when he pulled my face into his chest. His one hand was on my head and the other was around my waist. His presence was comforting in a way I could never explain. "How do you feel now?" He whispered after we stayed in silence for a few minutes. "Like I want to cry more, watch movies and eat trashy food but hug you tightly" Hands snaked around my waist and held my firmly, lifting me off the ground. Then I was in Lorenzo Berkshires arms bridal style, he made me feel safe. "Lets go back to my dorm" He kissed my head gently "You can cry, watch movies, eat trashy food and still hug me tightly"He winked then kissed my head again. It felt like we had been walking for ages but we finally arrived at his dorm. Theo and Mattheo were sat on his bed, wrong timing. "Oh I'll go back to class" I whispered and stumbled out of his arms, before I could walk out I heard a yell. "Get out you two y/ns here!" It was Enzo dragging them out. "He's been talking about you all night and morning" Mattheo whispered into my ear as he passed me. I couldn't help but giggle and hug Enzo. "All night and morning im honoured" He stared at me embarrassed then threw me over his shoulder. Screams echoed his room, I banged on his back yelling for him to put me down. He dropped me onto his bed and laid ontop of me. Carressing my hair, kissing my head and whispering things that make me nervous and stir butterflies inside of me. "Thank You Enzo" i mumbled slowly falling asleep watching Ice Age continental drift.

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