Richa Moorjani

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     As the morning sunlight streams through the window, Matthew and Mercedes lay nestled in each other's arms, their bodies basking in the afterglow of their passionate night of lovemaking from the night before

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As the morning sunlight streams through the window, Matthew and Mercedes lay nestled in each other's arms, their bodies basking in the afterglow of their passionate night of lovemaking from the night before. The soft sound of their breathing fills the room, a testament to the intimate connection they share that goes beyond his relationships with the other women he's encountered. That's just sex. This is more.

Just as they begin to stir from their peaceful slumber, Matthew's phone buzzes on the nightstand, interrupting the tranquility of the moment. With a groggy yet curious expression, Matthew reaches for his phone, his gaze briefly shifting from Mercedes to the device in his hand.

Glancing at the screen, he notices the call is from his boss. His eyebrows furrow in confusion, wondering why he's being contacted at such an early time on his day off. With a mixture of anticipation and reluctance, he answers the call, trying to maintain his composure.

"Hey, boss," Matthew says, his voice still laced with the remnants of sleep. "What's up?"

His boss's voice crackles through the phone, a hint of urgency underlying his words. "Matthew, I've got a special assignment for you," he says, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. "We need you to conduct a series of interviews with some lesser known. talents. They may not be as well-known as your usual subjects, but they have potential. By lesser known, Matthew knows he means they're just not blockbuster actors like his usual clients and people he interviews.

Matthew's mind momentarily drifts back to the naked and sleeping Mercedes, their bodies against each other. The memory last night brings a smile to his lips as he refocuses his attention on the conversation at hand.

"Alright," he replies, a tinge of intrigue in his voice. "Who am I interviewing?"

His boss pauses for a moment before revealing the name that catches Matthew's attention. "One of the talents you'll be interviewing is Richa Moorjani. She's set to make her mark in the upcoming fifth season of the hit show Fargo. I want you to dig deep and uncover her story."

"Got it. I'll be there in 20.." Matthew says then hangs up before he lets out a sigh. He just wanted the day to enjoy Mercedes' company.

As Matthew hangs up the phone, he gently slides his arm out from under Mercedes and tries to maneuver his body away from her without disturbing her peaceful slumber. His movements are slow and calculated, his every action aimed at preserving her precious rest.

Carefully, Matthew shifts his weight, attempting to untangle himself from Mercedes' embrace. He lifts his leg, gingerly attempting to slide it out from beneath her, but the movement causes her to stir. A soft murmur escapes her lips as she instinctively tightens her grip around him, unwilling to let him go.

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