Interlude: Career Change (No Smut)

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   Matthew sits down with his girlfriend, Mercedes, as they discuss his potential career shift. The air is filled with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty, as they delve into the possibility of leaving behind his role as an interviewer of celebrities and venturing into the worlds of music and acting.

     Mercedes looks at Matthew with a mixture of support and concern. "So, babe, you're really thinking about stepping away from the celebrity interviews?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine curiosity. "I mean, you've built such a reputation in that field. Are you sure about this?"

     Matthew takes a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a blend of determination and excitement. "Yeah, I think it's time for a change," he replies, his voice laced with conviction. "Don't get me wrong, I've loved interviewing all those big names, but I feel like there's more to explore, more creative outlets to dive into."

     Mercedes nods, understanding the desire for growth and artistic exploration. "I get it, babe," she says, her voice soft yet supportive. "You're incredibly talented, and I know you have so much more to offer. If music and acting, among other ventures are calling you, then why not give it a shot? I'll be right there by your side."

     A sense of relief washes over Matthew as he hears Mercedes' encouraging words. He reaches out and takes her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you, baby," he says, a grateful smile playing on his lips. "Having your support means the world to me. I couldn't do this without you."

     They embrace, their bodies pressed against each other. In that moment, they both know that whatever path they choose to take, they will face it together, supporting and uplifting one another every step of the way.

     Later that day, Matthew takes a deep breath as he dials the number of the acting agent that his friend Ethan set him up with awhile ago which lead to landing a role on Agents of SHIELD. The phone rings, and after a few moments, a voice answers on the other end.

"Hello, this is Phil Anderson," the agent says, his voice professional and confident.

"Hey, Phil, it's Matthew," Matthew replies, his voice tinged with a mix of nerves and excitement. "Ethan referred me to you last time and you got me a job working for Agents of SHIELD. He said you might be able to help me out again. I'm wanting to step away from interviewing and start trying other things so I was hoping you could help get me an audition."

Phil's voice exudes a sense of curiosity as he responds, "Ah, Matthew, good to hear from you. Ethan mentioned that you'd call"

There's a brief pause on the other end of the line, and then Phil's voice returns, this time with a hint of excitement. "I like your enthusiasm, Matthew. It's always refreshing to work with someone eager to try new things," he says. "I have a few projects in the pipeline that might be a good fit for you. Let me see what I can arrange. I'll get back to you with some audition opportunities."

Matthew's face lights up with gratitude, his voice overflowing with appreciation. "Thank you so much, Phil. I really appreciate your help. I'm ready to dive into this new chapter of my career."

As they end the call, Matthew feels a surge of anticipation. The possibility of new acting roles opens up before him, and with each passing moment, his excitement grows, fueling his determination to explore the depths of his creative potential.

Matthew, eager to pass the time while waiting for a response from the acting agent, decides to immerse himself in his other interests.

A few days pass by, and just as Matthew starts to wonder if he should follow up with the acting agent, his phone rings. It's Phil, the agent, calling back with news that sets Matthew's heart racing.

"Matthew, my boy, I've got good news and bad news" Phil says, his voice brimming with a hint of excitement.

     "I had a conversation with some agents and executives, and I won't sugarcoat it, the feedback wasn't great," Phil's tone carries a hint of disappointment. "They believe that due to your limited acting experience, it will be challenging to secure a role in a project like 'Wicked.' However, here's the silver lining: I've come up with an alternative plan for you. Hear me out... YouTube. While you may not be quite ready for a major production, there's still a lot you can offer. We can create diverse content for your own channel, tailored to your interests. Additionally, we can launch a weekly podcast on your channel and various podcast platforms, where you can still continue to showcase your interview skills by inviting influencers and celebrities onto your podcast."

     "Now you might be wondering how you even get started. You don't have the resources or money to do that. It's also a lot of work and you'd be starting without an audience. That's where I come in. I want to OFFICIALLY become your agent. As you know, I own an agency and I'm gonna relocate a section of my employees. They will now work for you. We're gonna buy out your YouTube channel. Similar to how Smosh sold their channel way back when. This will work out better than that did though because you're running the ship. The people I give to you will only make suggestions and I'll be merely an advisor. And I know you want to act and make music. You still can. Start working on music and continue to audition for roles on the side. Build up your portfolio while you do this." Phil finishes. Matthew thinks for a moment and just says "Done."

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