Chapter Two

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Eddie stared at his phone in disbelief. Had he really just called Buck? 

He'd promised himself all these years that he wouldn't bother Buck. He didn't want to be a burden. But then he'd written that letter, and bought the damned plane ticket. He'd still been in contact with Maddie, and she'd been all to happy to give him Buck's address, no doubt, where he lived with his current partner. 

Eddie tried to not feel the pang of jealousy that radiated through him at the thought. He and Buck had broken up. He shouldn't feel jealous that Buck had obviously moved on. 

Even if he did still love Evan Buckley. Had never stopped loving him. 

Even when he and Shannon decided to get back together. 

He regretted that second attempt - or third really - at making their relationship work. It hadn't, and they were both happier divorce than they had been together. 

And now he was going to see Buck again. The one that got away. 

His heart hammered in his chest at the thought. One week until he saw him. One week until... he didn't know what. He wanted to propose to Buck, to try again, but he'd also promised Buck in his letter than he didn't expect anything. 

You'll just have to accept that he's moved on. You tried to, but it didn't work. 

He could suffer in silence. 

It might be painful, but at least he would see Buck one last time. 

"Dad? Are you okay?" 

He looked up to find Christopher coming down the hallway. He'd grown in the last five years. He was still skinny, and hadn't grown into his longer limbs yet. Then again, he was only twelve. His once reddish hair had since darkened to a deep chestnut brown, similar to his mother's. He still wore glasses, although, he'd been bugging Eddie lately about maybe wearing contact lenses. 

"Fine, Bud." He forced a smile onto his face. "Ready to go?" 

Chris nodded. 

Grabbing his keys off the counter, Eddie opened the door and followed Christopher outside towards the truck. 

I was nervous the entire flight back to L.A. 

I was going to see him. Was going to be in the same room as him. The thought was both terrifying and thrilling. I wasn't expecting to get back together with him. It had been half a decade since we'd seen each other. He'd surely moved on. 

When we landed, my chest felt tight. 

I replayed the conversation we'd had, the way my skin had felt electrified at the sound and resonating tone of his voice. Nothing had changed, but I knew that he had, just like I had. 

I wasn't the same, insecure man trying to find his place in life. I knew my place in life. I was comfortable with my sexuality, and I had survived what I had thought would kill me. 

In surviving our break up, I'd become stronger, more stable. It had allowed me to evaluate who I was, and realize that I hadn't liked who I'd been. 

Grabbing my rucksack - I had no checked luggage, I would only be here for a day or two - I followed the crowd towards the exit of the plane. 

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