Chapter Ten

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"What am I doing here?" Eddie asked, his eyes fixed on Buck. He remembered drinking with Hen and Bobby, and a flash of blinding light, but that was it.

"You were in an accident." Buck's voice was thick with tears; he wasn't sure if they were tears of fear or joy.

Fragmented memories came back to him, but nothing concrete. Eddie was sure that he would remember everything that happened later on.

For now, he was happy to be alive, despite the fact that everything ached. He tried to sit up, but it hurt to shift. Hurt to move even a little.

Buck was holding his hand so tightly, as though he was trying to assure himself that Eddie was real. He looked thinner, like he'd lost weight. But he was here. That was all that mattered.

Despite the pain, Eddie sat up, needing to feel Buck's lips against his again. Everything felt like a dream. Buck here was surely a dream. But he was solid and real.

Tears suddenly burned Eddie's eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't call." His voice broke.

"Oh!" Buck wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck. Eddie held him close, ignoring the pain. "Don't fucking apologize for that! I thought you were dead."

"Take more than that to do me in." Eddie croaked.

He felt Buck smile against the skin of his neck. Buck's face was buried in the crook of Eddie's neck. He was so warm and here. While he'd been out, Eddie had dreamed that he and Buck were living together. It had felt so real.

He looked up and saw Christopher standing not too far away, his eyes glossy behind his glasses. Next to him, was Shannon and Eddie's mom.

They all rushed to him, hugging and kissing him.

Eddie felt truly grateful for these people.

Buck wouldn't let him go, sitting on the edge of his bed and holding his hand.

I'm not letting you go, the gesture said. 


I stayed with Eddie during the days and at his mother's with Chris during the evenings and nights. Now that Eddie was awake, it felt like a weight had lifted off of my chest, and I could see that Christopher felt that way as well. 

Time seemed to pass slower now. I didn't want to take anything for granted, because this had taught me that nothing was certain. It was always an idea that I'd thought about, but no one ever thinks that something bad will happen to them -- I'm sure that Eddie hadn't left his night out with Hen and Bobby thinking that his life was destined to come to an end. 

And no words could describe how relieved that I was that he was meant to still be here, by whatever power may or may not exist. That we still had time. 

"How are things?" Maddie asked. "I don't want to have to ask this, but are you going to be able to make it for the wedding?" 

Readjusting my phone from one shoulder to the other, I turned around, facing away from the sink full of soap and dishes. "He's doing great. I-I don't know, though. I don't want to leave him, but I want to be there for you." 

"Evan, I would understand." 

"I know," 

"He's the most important thing to you. Most important person. I want you to not feel bad for living your life." 

I swallowed past the lump that was forming in my throat. "I thought I was going to lose him." 

"I know," she whispered. "If you can't make, then that's okay. We'll do lunch or something when he's better." 

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