Chapter Eleven

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Eddie looked dashing in a dark emerald green suit. The white shirt was open at the collar, I could see the hollow of his throat. I longed to kiss it, but we were at my sister's rehearsal dinner.

Christopher was off with Maddie, who was proud to show him off and introduce him as her future nephew. It was cute watching them together, and to watch the way that Kayson watched after them, with a look of adoration and pride. He loved his bride. He was excited to start a family with her. The look said it all.

"You okay?" Eddie asked, a drink in one hand, his other hand was interlocked with mine. He hadn't let go of it so far all evening.

"Hmmm? Just sleepy," I admitted.

He grinned wickedly. "Sex will do that."

"Especially with you." I giggled.

He smiled up at me, before kissing my cheek.

It felt good to be here with him. The dinner was being held at a small event center on the outskirts of the city. It was opulently decorated, in shades of mauve, purple, and gold. Bunches of wild flowers sat in vases in the center of each table, in a circle of fairy lights. There were twenty tables in all, plus the long table at the front of the room that would hold the wedding party. Doors opened up onto a terrace and then into the desert. The sun had set an hour ago, but traces of it's setting could still be seen -- the dusk blue sky was painted with fading wisps of oranges and golds and reds.

It was shaping up to be a beautiful evening.

I introduced Eddie to the people that I knew, and then we found my parents, who embraced him warmly.

"It's so good to see you again!" Mom gushed, her arms wrapped tightly around his broad frame.

When she let go, Dad shook his hand before taking me aside.

"Well, Evan. You two are back together."

It was an understatement, and he knew it. "We are, Dad."

He was quiet for a moment as we watched the crowd around us. Up towards the front of the room, we could see Maddie and Kayson mingling. My sister look absolutely beautiful in a mauve dress with gold accents, and her dark hair pulled up, a few tendrils artfully framing her glowing face. She held a glass of champagne and was talking animatedly to a couple I thought were from Kayson's work.

"She looks so happy," I mused.

"That she does." Dad clasped my shoulder. "Thank you for taking such good care of her. Thank you for keeping her safe and alive."

Tears burned my eyes. Maddie had been through so much. She was so strong, and it was something that I envied. "She's my sister. I'd do anything for her."

Dad smiled.

"What's the plan with Eddie?" he asked suddenly.

"Move in together." I said. "After the wedding."

Dad's eyes grew serious. "Are you sure that's wise?"

I nodded. I'd never been more sure of anything in my life. Only wishing that I was worthy of him.

That's not the right kind of thinking, I told myself. He wouldn't be with you if he didn't think you were.

We'd been through so much, but I had forgiven him for his part in the pain. And I knew that he'd forgiven me for mine. Forgiven me for moving away so suddenly, for not trusting him, for Corrine...

"Can I have my boyfriend back, please?" his deep voice said from behind us.

We turned, a smile breaking out across my face. He had a class of wine in one of his hands, a glass of water in the other. Eddie handed me the wine, taking a sip of his water. Had he quit drinking? Or was it because of the painkillers?

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