Chapter Thirteen

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"You can't spend your honeymoon pestering me." I told Maddie. My phone was wedged under my shoulder as I carried a box into the house. "Enjoy Maui. Enjoy your new husband. And let me enjoy time away from you." I teased. 

I knew she was rolling her eyes. "Forgive me if I'm anxious about my little brother moving in with his lover and his kid." 

"I'm thirty-two." 

"And I'm an older sister." 

Eddie came up behind me, taking my phone. "And you are supposed to be on your honeymoon." He scolded. "So, please. Stop pestering my partner. I'm not planning to kill and dismember him. You've known me for years, Madison." 

"If you hurt him, I'll hunt you down...!" 

Eddie laughed good naturedly. "Love you too. Enjoy the beach!" 

And with that, he hung up. 

"Thanks." I said, placing my box in the dining room. 

"What are boyfriends for?" He leaned his hip against the table, watching me with dark, dark eyes. 

My mouth dried. "I think we're more than boyfriends now that we're officially living together," 

He smirked. "And we have a kid... this is all moving so fast. You should have bought me dinner first." 

Pulling him towards me, I said: "There you are." 

"What do you mean?" 

"You haven't been as relaxed since we agreed to move in together." 

He shrugged. "Just a lot on my mind." 


"Among other things." 

My lips brushed his jaw. "Like what? You can tell me anything." 

He pulled away slightly, his eyes full of something I couldn't decipher. "Your birthday is in two months... what do you want?" 

The question threw me off guard. "I have everything I want." 

His eyes lightened, the muscles in his jaw relaxing. 

"Oh, Buck." He murmured, pulling me closer, his lips hungry on mine. 

I smiled against his lips, loving that this has happened. We're officially living together... even if most of my stuff is still in the truck. Sex will no doubt be a common occurrence, considering that we don't live states apart anymore. The pessimistic part of me was wondering if this was all moving too quickly. But the larger and more positive part of me knew that this was exactly how things should be. We'd been waiting years to possibly find our way back to each other; when I left before, we had been on the threshold of moving in together. Now, it was happening. 

I felt oddly complete in a way I hadn't felt in a long, long time. 

This felt more than right. 

And as my lips and hands travelled over his body as I knelt in front of him, I knew that this was the right decision. 

"When's Chris going to be back?" I murmured against his abdomen. 

"Not until tomorrow." 

Grinning wickedly, I grasped him through his pants, causing him to gasp. 

"So, we have all the time in the world?" 

Eddie pulled me to my feet, his eyes full of love. "We always do, Evan." 

My lips were on his, and we stumbled our way to the bedroom. 

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