Day 3, 4 + 5: Drink, Happy and Jar

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'Kitty! Can I put the soogar on now?!'

'The name's Marvin and not yet sweetheart' Marvin the magician said softly to Robbie the zombie.

The two of them were in the kitchen and by the oven. The child zombie was standing on a chair next to Marvin and happily watching him, while the magician cut the dough into little shapes. With October just starting, Robbie, the little child zombie, had asked if he could make Pumpkin shaped cookies. Antisepticeye had happily said yes, but Dr Schneeplestein had been more wary, worried that the child would get hurt. So, he had insisted that someone help him with baking.

Marvin smiled softly as he looked at the baking tray fill of pumpkin shaped dough, 'Ta-da!' he announced happily then turned to Robbie, and his expression turned to confusion: Robbie was pouting, his arms folded.

'What's wrong?' the magician softly, concerned.

'I wanted to put the soogar on the pumpkin...' Robbie mumbled, his bottom lip hanging out.

Marvin looked sympathetic and sighed. Sensing a tantrum incoming, he slowly crouched down to Robbie's eye level and smiled softly.

'Robbie, they need to be baked first before they can be decorated with sugar' he explained then, noticing no shift in expression, tilted his head, 'I'll let you add chocolate and sweets to the cookies' He suggested.

Robbie frowned at Marvin and stared at him unconvinced, '...Really?' he squeaked unsure. Seeing Marvin nod, he thought for a moment before nodding.

'Ok' Robbie mumbled, then smiled smugly, 'but I also put lollipop on them!' he announced proudly.

Marvin chuckled and gently ruffled Robbie's hair, making the child giggle, 'Ok you can put lollipops on the cookies' he said before looking at the wooden shelf above the oven. The shelf was lined with various jars, with Marvin's small cauldron in the middle to separate the sweetie jars from the spices. While wooden furniture above a hot oven wasn't usually a good idea, Marvin had insisted on putting it in, but had put a spell on the wood so that the heat from the stovetops never damaged it.

Marvin reached for the sugar jar and the bigger jar filled with various coloured lollipops and showed Robbie, smiling, 'is this right?'

Robbie's face brightened and he clapped his hands happily, 'yeah!!' he squealed loudly then frowned, 'when can I put soogar on pumpkin?'

Marvin put the two jars on the counter next to the oven then frowned as he picked up the baking tray and put it in the oven.

'Hmmm...I think about 25 minutes' he answered and heard Robbie grumble. Marvin couldn't help but smile; Anti had always told him that Robbie had a tendency to be impatient. The magician hadn't believed him, but he definitely did now.

'That so looooong!' Robbie squealed, throwing his arms from side to side wildly.

Marvin shut the oven door and stood up smiling, 'but it'll be done quicker if we distract ourselves with something else. Now do you want some juice?'

Robbie instantly turned to joy again, and he bounced off the chair, alarming the magician, 'Yeah! Can I have apple?' he squealed, quickly wobbling to the fridge without waiting for a response. Marvin just blinked as he watched the zombie; he had never known anyone to have this much energy. He then smirked: well, aside from Robbie's uncle Antisepticeye.

'Ok, but you gotta let me get it ok? We can have a drink while we wait for the cookies to bake' Marvin said as he followed Robbie.

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