Day 9: Antlers

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Marvin looked up at Dawktrap unsure and thought as he sat behind his desk.

'Well...I'd rather do the spell now to see if they're going to be comfortable on your head' the magician said slowly.

Dawktrap's glowing purple eyes brightened, hopeful, 'so that's a yes?'

Marvin rolled his eyes as he reached for the spell book at the end of the desk, 'it might be a yes, depending on if they're comfortable' he reminded him sternly before flipping through the old parchment pages of the leather-bound book.

A few days ago, Marvin's brothers had started talking about what they were going to dress as for Halloween. But they hadn't realized that Dawktrap had been listening in on the conversation. He had then asked what costume would suit him, to which Robbie had suggested a 'rabbit with sticks' aka a Jackalope. Seeing as it's a mythical rabbit creature, Dawktrap had quickly accepted the idea and Marvin thought he would just purchase a headband. But, to his surprise, the purple man had come to him to ask for a spell that would let him grow antlers on his head.

'Hmmm...well, it looks pretty simple...' Marvin muttered to himself, ignoring Dawktrap's increasingly excited bounces.

'So, you can do it?!' he asked excitedly and his eyes brightened as Marvin stood up and grabbed his wand.

'Yes, but you've got to stay still' the magician said sternly, and smirked as the purple ego sheepishly did as he was told. Marvin then raised his wand, whispering something under his breath. As the words came out, a pink glow appeared at the end of the wand and, with a swift wave of his arm, Marvin aimed the wand at Dawktrap.

Even though he stayed still, he had to shut his eyes as the bright light hit him and made his eyes ache. But he was surprised to not feel anything as the spell hit. Had it even hit him? His head was starting to ache though...

'Er...rabbit? You can open your eyes now'.

Dawktrap slowly opened one eye then the next and saw Marvin smiling softly at him.

'Aw...they do look beautiful' the magician said admirably, and the purple ego frowned. He then slowly patted his head and slipped his fingers through his hair, heading for the top.

And then he felt them.

Near the top of his head were two antlers with what felt like a couple of leaves hanging off them.

'Oh, just for a bit of decoration' Marvin quickly chimed in, also noticing the autumn leaves. He then smiled, 'So...what do you think? You can look in the mirror if you want?' he suggested, pointing to the full-length mirror near the door.

'This is awesome! They don't feel uncomfortable too' Dawktrap said happily, his face beaming, and headed to the mirror. But the second he turned round, the new weight on his head caused it to tilt to the side and he yelped, shocked.

Marvin's smile quickly vanished to that of realization then annoyance, 'Yeah...I figured this might happen...' he muttered as he watched Dawktrap struggle with his new body part. The ego's head tilted to a different side every time he took a step and, with the tilt, came the confused and scared yelps. His body wasn't getting used to this, just as Marvin had predicted.

The magician gave an annoyed huff, 'Ok ok, let me find the removal spell.' He said then rolled his eyes, 'but, please, just buy a headband...'

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