Day 19: Silver

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Jackieboyman watched, concerned, as Chase locked the cuff round his own ankle then pulled on the thick metal chain that was attached to the radiator.

'Chase...? Is this-er...well...enough or even necessary?' Jackie asked unsure, and Chase looked up, frowning.

'Well, I'd rather play it safe know...' he answered but then trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence.

The two brothers were in Chase Brody's room, with Jackie sitting on the end of his bed. Chase was sitting on the floor and had stripped down to his boxers. He hadn't finished his sentence because he knew that, if he didn't take this precaution, then his brothers would end up dead.

A few months ago, Chase had returned from a walk covered in blood and three thick slashes cutting across his torso. Yet, miraculously, he was still alive but very shaken. While Henrik had bandaged him up, Chase had spluttered about a huge, strange wolf.

If it wasn't for Antisepticeye's reaction, the doctor would've just tried to calm him down. The moment Chase had mentioned the weird wolf, the glitch demon started snarling.

'WeReWoLf' He had growled, which got bewildered expressions from everyone. Anti had blinked, his long elf-like ear twitching, before he had frowned.

'Oh A DeMoN iS FiNe, bUt a wEreWolf Is tOo FaR?!' Anti had screeched, frustrated, and they had all agreed that he had a point.

But it meant that, when the Full Moon rose, the inevitable would happen and Chase would turn into a Werewolf too. Not only this but the brothers had also unfortunately learnt that demons and werewolves have had a vicious rivalry for centuries. So, while Henrik stayed with Anti in his bedroom, Jackie had offered to help Chase ease into his first transformation. As he had guessed, Chase was focused at first on shackling himself to his radiator and chaining a cooked chicken to the other side. But, as the sun started to set, the hero could see the fear in Chase's eyes start to grow. Jackie eventually sighed, a blank expression on his face.

' everything set?' He muttered. Chase looked round then looked up and smiled weakly; it was clear he was trying to be brave.

'Pretty much everything, yeah' Chase muttered, then looked hesitant. He then sighed sadly and reached for his trousers nearby. Jackie looked confused as he watched his brother fish something out of the trouser pocket, and shuffle to sit back up. As Chase gave the item a concerned look, Jackie saw a tiny glint of light and widened his eyes as he realized what his brother was holding: a silver bullet.

'No' Jackie snapped. Chase gave him a sad look and sniffed; clearly this decision was difficult for him.

'If I get out and start hurting people, you might not have a choice' he quietly muttered before holding it out for the superhero to take. But, when Jackie didn't move, still giving his younger brother a sad look, Chase huffed and practically forced the bullet into his hand.

Jackie looked at it then exhaled heavily, his eyes getting a little teary: he hoped he never had to use this.

'Ok...ok' the hero whispered then nodded, 'I understand...'

As his hand closed onto the ammo, a bright light shone through the window, and he heard Chase whimper. He knew what this meant: it was time for Chase Brody's first transformation.

Hopefully he didn't have to use the silver bullet.

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