Day 22: Vampire

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Darko giggled coldly as he looked at the young man tied up in the chair, before walking round him as if he was something to be hunted. Well, Darko thought to himself, technically this man had been.

Darko stood in front of his hostage and crouched down to eye level, before sharply pinching the man's cheek. The man yelped, waking up, and immediately started looking round in a panic.

'What the hell?! Where am I?!' the man yelped breathlessly then finally noticed the ego. Seeing his captor smile widely, he gulped.

'Holy, can you let me go?!' he yelped, a hint of hope in his voice. But that hope quickly vanished as Darko cackled.

'Oh dear! Do you think I'm Lewis?!' seeing his victim's face pale, he cackled again and his body suddenly glitched madly in a mess of green and purple. He then shook his head amused.

'Well, you're mistaken' the ego said smirking. He then looked thoughtful, 'You could say, I'm an old memory of his, something from his past.' When his victim looked confused, he continued, 'you all seem to think us characters aren't real. Well, we are.'

The man frowned then quickly widened his eyes, scared, as Darko's eyes glowed white...but the edges of his mouth were starting to bleed, as if they were extending and opening up.

'You see, we're not all the same as the videos that introduced us: some of us have changed due to fanbase theories and head canons' he continued to explain as his mouth expanded and stretched.

The man could only watch, frozen in fear, as Darko's teeth changed shape, melting into jagged sharp teeth similar to that of a shark. They continued to grow and lengthen, to a size way too big for his regular mouth, but a perfect size for this new one. At the same time, his lips shrunk upwards a little to allow room for the ego's new teeth.

That was when the man started screaming. And Darko's cackled deeply, his voice now completely demonic.

'And some of them saw me as a demon or a creature' He growled deeply then cackled horribly, 'I'm going to enjoy this'.

And he held onto the man's shoulder and chomped down onto it. The man widened his eyes as his screams grew piercing and screechy, clearly in pain from the sudden attack.

Darko didn't stop though. He growled hungrily as blood splattered onto his face and white hoodie and continued to chew through the flesh, quickly slurping up as much blood as he could. He couldn't remember the last time he had been allowed to freely feed without hiding it from anyone. His host's friends had especially grown suspicious but, here, he could let his victim scream as much as he wanted; they were in the middle of nowhere.

He could drink as much blood as he wanted here.

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