Day 18: Rage

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Was it the roar that had alerted Jackieboyman to upstairs or the entire upstairs suddenly turning red? It wasn't even when a chair flew into the upper hallway; it was when all of the walls started to bleed that the superhero took notice of the issue upstairs.

Clutching his cattleprod, he warily climbed the stairs, making sure not to lean into the bloodied walls; he wasn't sure if it was an illusion or not. As he climbed, he couldn't help but be thankful that Robbie was with Chase at the moment; the child didn't need to see this.

'Anti...? You ok...?' he called out nervously. He had heard about Antisepticeye's monstrous temper tantrums before but had yet to witness it himself. It was terrifying enough already and he hadn't even seen the glitch yet!

A demonic screech responded, emitting from the glitch's bedroom. Jackie inhaled, mentally preparing himself, then went to Anti's room and slowly opened the door and peeked in. His eyes then widened at what he saw.

The bedroom was a mess: there was clothes and broken items everywhere, and his closet had been upturned, the doors spread open. On the bed, hunched over, was...Anti? It looked like Anti, as Jackie recognized the pale green skin, the long elf ears and the black eyes. But burnt spikes had grown out through his elbows and back and his black spiky tail swished sharply. His bare feet were now clawed and resembled that of a Velociraptor and Jackie realized he could see a third, green, eye in the middle of the glitch's forehead.

'Er...' was all Jackie could mutter in disbelief.

The third eye noticed before Anti's regular eyes did, and he snarled before turning to face the superhero. Glaring, the demon jumped off the bed and crawled to Jackie, growling deeply.

'WhErE Is iT?' a deep growl escaped from Anti's sharp toothed mouth.

Jackie blinked, scared but confused, as he took a step back, 'W-where's what?'

'MY KNIVES! WHERE ARE THEY?!' Anti screeched and, in one swift move, suddenly grabbed Jackie by the collar and pinned him against the bedroom wall. Jackie yelped and didn't have enough time to move. He then looked into the glaring demon's eyes.

'I don't know! I didn't touch them!' the superhero yelped, internally praying that this wouldn't result in a fight; he had dropped his cattleprod when Anti had grabbed him.

As Anti's growling got louder, smaller spikes poked through his shoulders and through the cloth of his T-shirt, 'YOU LIE!' He snarled, his voice splitting into a deep growl and a high-pitched screech. Jackie squeaked and quickly shook his head, his hands firmly grasping Anti's wrists.

'NO NO NO! I'm telling the truth! I don't know where they are!-'


The glitch demon froze as a new voice appeared by the doorway, before he slowly turned his head to face the one who had interrupted his interrogation: Henrik von Schneeplestein.

The doctor looked stern, and a little disappointed, as he stared at the two then huffed, 'let go of Jackie NOW' he snapped.

Anti blinked at Henrik then growled at him, before dropping Jackie onto the ground, ignoring the hero's pained grunt. Henrik then folded his arms annoyed.

'Now, are you going to tell me vhat iz going on?' He asked.

While Jackie blinked, still recovering from a near demon attack, Anti glared at the doctor...then glitched, his hand round Jackie's neck who was now against the wall again. Jackie yelped then gurgled as the demon's claws threatened to cut into his skin.

'ThIs PaThEtIc cOwArd ToOk My KnIvEs!'

'No...I...Didn't!' Jackie managed to croak out. Henrik blinked at them both then facepalmed.

'Anti, let go of Jackie.' He muttered, irritated, then looked sternly at Anti, 'Anti I was ze one who took ze knives.'

Just as the demon blinked, shocked then angry, the doctor quickly continued, raising his hands in defence, 'I didn't wash your Emerald one, but I cleaned all your others!'

Anti slowly tilted his head as he considered what had been said, before letting out a growl/huff. Looking annoyed, he dropped Jackie yet again and glared at Henrik, who looked unfazed by this.

'ShOw Me wHeRe tHeY ArE!' He snarled, glitching messily.

Still, Henrik looked unfazed by this terrifying creature and lazily pointed to the stairs, 'Zhey are downstairs in a box in ze kitchen' he muttered then frowned, 'Now stop zhis little baby tantrum and go get zhem yourself' he snapped.

Anti blinked, surprised, before grumbling and stomped past Henrik and to the stairs. As he walked, the spikes on his shoulders, elbows, back and tail sunk into his skin and short haired fur returned to his tail. His dinosaur-like feet and third eye, however, still remained.

Jackie, who hadn't moved from the floor this whole time, just stared at the doctor in disbelief.

'How on earth were you not scared?!' he spluttered as the doctor helped him up.

Henrik chuckled, 'I have seen ze glitch's silly tantrums a lot. Now' he then gently patted Jackie's shoulder and the superhero hissed in pain but smiled warmly, 'let's get you patched up'.

As Jackie and Henrik left Anti's room and made their way to the doctor's bedroom, Jackie noticed the blood on the walls starting to fade away. He blinked and chuckled nervously: Antisepticeye could be a terrifying entity when he wanted to be.

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