Day 10 + 11: Glitch/Metal

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Frank whistled as he locked up the barred door of the cell for the night. He then looked into the smallish room: it looked like a regular bedroom with pale green walls and carpeted floor. A single bed was on the right with a shelf full of video games above it and, opposite, was a TV mounted to the wall. On the floor below was a Playstation console as well as few horror DVD's sprawled around messily. But Frank wasn't focused on any of that and was, instead, looking under the bed...where a pair of angry green glowing eyes were glaring back at him.

'C'mon Antisepticeye, why do ya have to have a tantrum every night? You know how this works by now' Frank said, a little annoyed. However, he looked sympathetic as Anti growled.

When Frank started working as a night guard at Youtube's Dark Ego Department, he hadn't believed that these characters were real until he was given a tour of the whole facility. That was when he had seen them and couldn't help but stare at them in awe: the main part of the facility was open to people who wanted to see their favourite Youtube characters: Chase Brody, The King of Squirrels and Logan Sanders were just a couple of characters that were there. They were there and they were very much real and alive. But this wasn't the section that he was responsible for, as he had been led to the very back of the facility. The red-haired lady, whom he replaced, had produced a pair of keys from her pocket and had unlocked a thick steel door before sliding aside a barred metal gate. When Frank had looked confused, the lady had just shrugged.

'Extra defence for the guys in here' she had said very calmly; clearly, she had worked here for a long time. And, with that, they had entered the area that was only limited to a certain amount of people per year. At first, Frank had felt sorry for them, locked away in an area that wasn't as well lit as the rest of the building and mostly ignored. But the lady had warned him that these characters were dangerous. She had then given him a medium sized manual, which explained how to calm and capture each dark ego. So now, his job was clear: he was responsible for making sure every dark ego was in their cell every night. When he had asked the lady whether the non-dark egos got the same treatment, she had ignored his question.

Frank snapped out of his thoughts, returning to the present and the growling glitch. He sighed before producing a rectangular case from brown satchel round him, and lifted it up to show Anti, 'I got ya a new video game if you wanna play that?'

The green eyes under the bed narrowed suspiciously before getting smaller, indicating that he had moved further back, snarling as he did so.

Frank blinked then huffed, 'ok, you're still mad at me...' he quietly muttered, before slowly placing the game through the bars and inside the cell, 'it's there if you change your mind' he said calmly before moving into the middle of the area and scanning his surroundings.

The best way he could describe this area was it reminded him of an abandoned prison. The department had two rows of cells, all with different decorations inside to suit that particular ego. The main foyer area itself had brick walls, which had been badly painted black; some of the actual brickwork and cement could be still seen. Frank had previously brought up redecorating to make it look nicer, but his manager had stopped him, saying that they 'deserved to be in a place this grubby looking'. At first, Frank had felt sorry for them. At first at least.

That was until the murder.

It had been the end of his first week on the job when he had forgotten to lock the steel door; he had been too preoccupied with the busyness of the day to realize. And, when he did, it was too late and the Dawko ego Darko had got out and killed an attendee. Despite Darko only being in one Youtube video, he had definitely made his mark on some of Dawko's subscribers; he was a feral murderer whose behaviour was unpredictable. Frank could still remember the joy on this ego's face as the person's throat was slit as well as Anti's jealous growling emitting from his cell. Since then, tighter security had attempted to be placed on Darko's cell...which had failed time and time again. None of the staff knew how he was getting out, so they had just left the recent security system there. It didn't make Frank feel very safe.

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