Since you've been gone( Kelly Clarkson

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Willow POV 🤰💃

The rest of the week had flown by, as time normally does when you are having fun. The grand total raised having reached 350k(and still growing), had made for many more celebrations. It's seemed Stone Cold's challenge had expanded beyond belief, and it was now snowballing to Football players and other actors who had starred with the Wrestling foundation stars.

Jensen and Willow had been invited to the next Smackdown event to come and receive a cheque. Jensen was beyond excited and ready to live out his childhood dream. Jared and Misha had been teasing him, about the episode where he had played around in the wresting mat ropes, and said he better start practicing again.

Hilarie and the kids had decided to stay with Dee for another week. Jeffrey having to return to the Dead City set.

Jason, Richard and Steve, had also returned home, while Ruth, Rob, Vicky and Misha had decided to stay.

Jensen's Mom, Donna had been cooking up a storm this week, saying she wanted to stockpile the defreeze with ready made meals for the Willow and Jensen( Who's Ship name was now Jenlow), as they "couldn't live on BBQ and takeaways forever'.

And as for Jenlow, they had been busy finishing the baby room, finally deciding on a theme. Jensen had finished sanding down the crib, he got from Gen and Jared, and had repainted it white.

While Willow had been banished to either the bed or the couch this last week, which was beyond frustrating for her, as she hated sitting still and being non productive. Donna had come to her sanity rescue and had taught her the basics on how to crochet.

Willow had become a crochet machine and was knocking squares out quickly, determined to make her own baby blanket, before little one arrived.

Their doctor's appointment yesterday and been postponed to Monday,due to an emergency delivery. This had of course completely frazzled Jensen , who was worried about Willow and her swollen ankles and now sore back.

Currently, Jensen and his Dad were stapling fairy lights to the nursery ceiling and covering it with what he called cotton wool. Willow had seen the idea on Instagram and "persuaded" Jensen to do it for her.

As for Willow, she was at the Brewery, getting ready to do her last Karaoke show. After a lot of back and forth,  she had finally gotten Jensen to "let" her come and do this.

Willow had know Jensen was just worried, and understood where he was coming from, but, as she had explained, it was the last Karaoke night, until after the baby was born, and she needed to see it through.

"Good Evening, Gals, Gays, They's and Guys! How you all doing?" Willow greeted the crowd.

The audience cheered back their greetings.

"So as I am sure you are aware, or are completely blind, but I am about twenty months pregnant and more than ready to pop this one into the world. So, tonight is going to be a little quieter, as I promised Baby Daddy I would behave. So sadly no dancing on the tables for me, but you are more than welcome too. So let's get this party started shall we?"

The evening progressed as normal from there, the usual dark horses with amazing singing voices and the cat shriekers in-between. The place was packed, with all the old regulars who had supported her from the start and newcomers who had learnt of the Karaoke via the Stage it the previous weekend.

Making her way back up front , from the umpteenth visit to the bathroom, Willow was pulled back suddenly into a hard body, as a hand wrapped around her wrist.

"So, looks like you were fertile after all huh?"

"Let go of my wrist!"Willow yelled, trying unsuccessfully to pull her arm away.

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