Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas ( Jensen Ackles and Jason Manns)

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On Jason Mann's Christmas with Friends album. It will change your life!!!


Jensen cuddled up to a warm Willow, himself freezing. They were currently up in Colorado, having left Texas to celebrate Christmas and Jensen's end of Chemo.

Daneel, her partner Darryl, the kids, Jared, Gen and their brood were all here as well. Jensen's parent's would be arriving later on that day to celebrate Christmas Eve with them all.

"Too hot!" Willow complained, trying to escape Jensen's octopus arms.

"Hot? Its freezing!" Jensen answered confused.

"Well, I am boiling. Here have my blanket." Willow offered, getting up from the bed and going to the bathroom to relieve herself.

Jensen sat up in the bed, waiting for her return.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just got. Must be a hot flush or something."

"How do you feel otherwise? Do you think you are coming down with something?"

"Other than hot I am fine. Don't worry about me. Maybe I am ovulating or something." Willow answered."I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?"

"Yes, please. Can I get some warm milk please?"

"No problem. Be right back."

Jensen shifted around in the bed, now wide awake. He grabbed the remote off the side of the bed and switched on the tv, looking for something to watch.

After searching through the suggested options, he sighed and gave up.

"Can't find anything to watch?"

"Nope, nothing grabs me."

"Might be cause it's three 'o clock in the morning." Willow replied, passing Jensen his warm milk.

"Thanks. What do you want to watch?"

"Pass the remote?" Willow asked as she climbed back into bed and snuggled up to Jensen.

"What about this?" Willow asked.

"Christmas Chick flick? Hell no!"

"Oh come on, when else can you watch Christmas movies?"

"Like never!"Jensen  said huffing."They all have he same plot and B grade actors."

"Well his one has Chad Micheal Murray in it, it can't be that bad."

"Chad?"Jensen exclaimed."Oh we have to watch this one so that I shame him, next time I see him."

"Well that's not very nice." Willow said laughing.

"Exactly!"Jensen said grinning."Just wait till I tell Jar about this."

"Amazing how invested you are to watch this Christmas Chick Flick now huh?"

"Now, it's a vested interest as it's blackmail opportunities! "Jensen chirped back, finished his milk and laid back in the bed to watch.

Fifteen minutes later, Jensen was fast asleep.

Later that afternoon

"Do I look okay? Does the layers help bulk me up?"

"Yeah, I guess, but your Mom is going to take one look at your face and there will be no hiding how much weight you've lost."

"Same is going to apply to you, you know. My Mom is going to be trying to fatten us both up."

"Well thats okay. I am quite looking forward to a day of no cooking, but getting to eat
all the time."

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