Chapter 10- The White Lotus and the Wind.

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Lancelot was having that dream again.

She knew because a tear would always drop down from his eye whenever it happened.

But this time seemed different. It usually always ended with him laying restless, but this time he was calmly smiling. As faint as it was, it was still there.

Ever since he had rescued her from her cruel fate, and the pair had started traveling together, this was the first time Ai had seen her savior smile.

She told herself she would ask him about it when she returned from her morning search for breakfast. She took her basket and ventured down the mountain again.

The savior's savior, huh? Whoever or whatever they are, they must be very special.

After an hour of scouring the area, she returned with her basket full of all sorts of nuts and wild berries.

She set them by their makeshift tents and peeked inside. There was no one there. That was when she heard some muttering coming from behind a nearby rock. She looked over to see the former glorious sword saint, using a stick to draw what looked like a map in the dirt.

'Wow, how powerful and knightly.' She rolled her eyes and continued watching.

Not that he ever told her who he was anyway, but she wasn't stupid. She knew he was very powerful since he had rescued her all by himself. Besides, a full-grown man drawing in the dirt wasn't very, what was the word again? Fitting? Yes, it wasn't very fitting.

" What are you up to, Lancelot? Mm?" She said as she walked behind him and peeked over his shoulder.

The poor man, frightened, scampered a few steps away before turning to see it was just her. He sighed in relief before going back to his drawing.

"Ai, I've told you to stop doing that," Lancelot said, concentrating on his drawing.

" What even is that?" Ai bent down even lower to have a look.


"Yeah, I know but to where?"

"Somewhere. Working on it."

" You might as well add 'over' to it if you're gonna talk like that."

She made her way to the tents before remembering. " Oh, and I've got breakfast ready in five!"

"Not hungry," He replied, still adding touches to his piece.


" Oh sorry. Not Hungry, over."

" No, that's not what I meant! You know what forget it." She sighed as she stormed off to continue breakfast anyway.

Yes, she already knew.

Lancelot was one of those people who were exceptional at what they knew. But also exceptionally dense in everything else.


The two packed up their belongings and blew out their fire before going down the mountain to continue their journey.

They had been on the road for about half an hour, and no one had said a word. Ai knew Lancelot wasn't the best with words, but still, this was too dull.

"Ahem," She cleared her throat, " So are we actually going somewhere this time? You know not just walking around and camping."

" I need to see an old friend of mine," Lancelot said as he blinked his grey eyes. His tone was as dull as his eye color.

'Six, Seven, Eight, Nine!' She wasn't imagining it. Ai had actually managed to squeeze a nine-word sentence out of him. She had to keep it going.

"Ohhh." Now what.

Fists of Fate: Smashing Destiny fka (Strong Man's Wrath)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz