Chapter 15 -"Whispers of Destiny: Michio's Awakening - Part II"

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As Michio's consciousness slowly returned, he found himself surrounded by a blinding white light. Blinking in confusion, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings until he was greeted by the sight of an old man with a white beard, smiling warmly at him.

"Whoa, where am I?" Michio muttered, his voice laced with uncertainty as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of his battle-induced daze.

The old man's chuckle was like a gentle breeze, carrying with it a sense of ancient wisdom. "You're in the realm of the Wind Guardians, my boy," he explained cryptically, his eyes twinkling with mystery. "And you, Michio, are destined for greatness."

Michio's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his confusion deepening. "Greatness? Me?" he exclaimed incredulously, his voice tinged with disbelief. "But I'm just... well, me."

The old man's smile widened, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Ah, but you are more than you realize, young one," he said cryptically, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of knowledge. "You are the key to unlocking a destiny that has long been foretold."

Michio scratched his head, his confusion mounting with each passing moment. "Okay, but what does that even mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration as he struggled to grasp the old man's cryptic words.

With a soft chuckle, the old man settled himself beside Michio, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon as if searching for answers in the wind itself. "Allow me to tell you a tale," he began, his voice taking on a melodic quality as he wove a tapestry of ancient legends and forgotten heroes.

As Michio listened, his eyes widened with wonder, captivated by the old man's words. He spoke of the Wind God Zephyr and his three sons, each blessed with a unique power bestowed upon them when they came of age.

"The eldest son," the old man continued, his voice filled with reverence, "was granted command over the tempest and all fierce winds, his strength unmatched."

Michio's eyes widened with realization. "Sounds like my mother," he remarked, a hint of cringe  creeping into his voice.

The old man chuckled again, his laughter like the rustle of leaves in the wind. "Indeed," he confirmed

Michio nodded eagerly, his curiosity piqued by the old man's tale. "And the second son?" he prompted, leaning in closer to catch every word.

A smile played at the corners of the old man's lips as he spoke of the second son, his voice tinged with admiration. "Ah, the second son was a prodigy in every sense of the word," he explained, his eyes sparkling with pride. "He possessed the power to control smooth winds with effortless grace, his agility unmatched."

Michio nodded in understanding, his mind racing with possibilities. "So what about the third son,
surely he gets something even better right , right ??!"he asked eagerly, his curiosity getting the better of him.

At the mention of the third son, the old man's smile softened, his gaze turning inward as if lost in memories of days long past. "Ah, the third son," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "He was not like his brothers, not strong or charismatic or talented in the traditional sense."

Michio furrowed his brows in confusion, his mind struggling to grasp the significance of the old man's words. "But if he wasn't like his brothers, then what made him special?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

With a gentle smile, the old man reached out and placed a hand on Michio's shoulder, his touch warm and comforting. "The third son possessed a different kind of strength," he explained, his voice filled with reverence. "A strength born of kindness and compassion, a strength that touched the hearts of all who knew him."

" Pfftt ... Totally not cool."

With a swift smack to the back of his head, the old man silenced Michio, a gust of wind ruffling his hair. Leaning in closer, he revealed the connection between the last son and Michio himself, leaving Michio stunned into silence.

"You, Michio, are the embodiment of the third son's spirit," he declared, his voice echoing with the weight of prophecy. "You possess a strength that lies not in magic but in the boundless depths of your own heart and strength."

"But why me?" Michio stammered, his mind racing to make sense of it all.

The old man merely shrugged, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Perhaps the son will come and speak to you one day," he suggested, though his words held a note of uncertainty.

Michio's heart swelled with emotion as he absorbed the old man's words, a sense of purpose blossoming within him. "So what do I do now?" he asked, his voice filled with determination as he prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But before the old man could respond, the room began to fade away, the mystical sky dissipating into nothingness. As Michio felt his body turning into mist, he panicked, reaching out for something—anything—to anchor himself to reality.

"Wait!" he cried out, but it was too late. The old man took a deep breath and exhaled into Michio's open mouth, a gust of wind propelling Michio away with surprising force.

As the white room vanished from sight, the old man's parting words echoed in Michio's mind. "Oh, before you go," he called out, a hint of urgency in his voice. "Tell Yuriko she really ought to visit more often."

Confused and disoriented, Michio tumbled through the void until he finally closed his eyes and surrendered to the darkness.

When he awoke, he found himself cradled in his mother's arms, her tears staining his cheeks. With a trembling voice, she pleaded for him to fight back, she couldn't afford to lose another loved one.

As Michio gradually regained consciousness, a loud growl erupted from his stomach, echoing through the room. He couldn't help but laugh sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head as he quipped, "Guess fighting a shadowweaver sure works up an appetite, huh?"

The room erupted into laughter at Michio's comment, the tension from the battle melting away in the face of his good-natured humor. Ai, ever the caretaker, immediately sprang into action, declaring, "Well, that's why I've got your favorite dish already cooking over the fire!"

The villagers, caught up in the jovial atmosphere, began offering their help to organize a celebratory feast. Ai's eyes sparkled with excitement as she turned to Karen, seeking her approval. "Let's make it a celebration feast then, if it's okay with you, Aunt Karen," she suggested eagerly.

Karen's eyes softened as she enveloped Michio in a tight hug, her heart overflowing with love and pride. "Of course, dear," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "Let's make it a celebration to remember." And with that, the villagers set to work, their laughter and chatter filling the air as they prepared to honor their young hero in the best way they knew how.

Rest In Power , Akira Toriyama

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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