Cruelty of injustice

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My ears rang like they were peirced by a thousand arrows simultaneously. My breathing quickened so much that I began hyperventilating and having a panic attack right there. He...he's...he's fucking gone NO!

Blood stained my pale face as Olivers limp body collapsed to the floor with a ungodly thud.

It... wasn't his time... It should have been me!

Sara let out a defeaning cry like a canary beside Ollies once life filled corpse. I just sat there on my knees in silence with my lips only a bit glided apart. I felt starved of my voice. I wanted to scream. I needed to scream! But there was no warmth in my heart to scream nor to move. The energy once gifted to my soul by this man saving me from Fyers and his men had been exorcised from me.

A pair of empty soulless eyes glared back at my blood-stained pupils. Long blonde hair that used to dance around my own face as me and him talked now stood still strung across his cheeks like they were nothing.

Ivo and his men did this...they are the reason the love of my life, the only person in life I have left, is dead!

Tears escaped me like fire in a building as my body went limp until eventually...that water boiled, its heat seaped up from my red and raw cheeks with a burning rage for everyone around me.

Turns out I wasn't the only person seething with a rage beyond the boundaries of the universe.

He seemed like a blur when he appeared cutting each silhouette limb from limb spurting and spreading blood around. The only way I knew who he was was the demon like scream that screeched in the air around me, Slade had returned. An arm dropped before severed from the body that it belonged to. A knife from its formerly firm and clasped hand collapsed into the leaves, barely touching the tips of the stained red glove that it was once connected to.

Slade had died. Maybe he was still dead. Not my concern now my only concern was Ivo...and I had a knife with his cowardly pathetic bitch name on it.

As Slade cut and stabbed and murdered all the soldiers, I focused on the man that mattered, and I ran for him. He didn't even see it coming he didn't see the knife that I launched into his throat he didn't see the knife or the blood. He didn't see me make my way down to the heart or the guts or the rest of his worthless corpse.

I was only there for a second, but as I looked up, my face devoured by the blood of a murder... a murder like me. Sara gazed back at me with eyes wider than the moon, terrified of what I was, what I had become.

Fury engulfed me as I looked around at the carnage about me. I looked to the sky...the moon and the stars...stars of which me and Ollie used to watch.

I screamed, and I just kept screaming to the moon.

"Shado," murmured a voice clouded in mist and smoke. And so I looked at that voice, that figure, that ghost.


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