Zatannas Negativity

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"Hey, Officer Wilson, am I right?" Quieried a nice cop as I exited my cop car. He was a sheriff infact walking about with another country cop, both of them sticking out like a sore thumb in front of the theatre. I wonder what they have to do with all of this.

"Yes, sir, Officer Laurel Wilson. Why do you ask Officer?"

"Oh, it's Grimes, sheriffs deupty Rick Grimes," he comments, extending an arm out to me to shake my hand. I still wasn't exactly used to physical contact or interacting with others in general. It's why I only use the gym past midnight to avoid others and stuff like this. He seems nice enough, though. I shake his hand with a smile plastered to my cheekbones, hoping he takes it as sincerely as I am trying to act.

"Nice to meet you, Rick Grimes,"

"Pleasures all mine. I've actually heard about the arrests, drug busts, and contributions you've been making to this city. Ah I see that look on your face, came down here with my partner Shane over there and my family to watch the show from Atlanta, watched the crime unfold and now I'm back giving witness statements."

"Oh, that's very kind of you. How's the family? OK, I hope,"

"My boy Carl is less shaken up than my wife Lori, but well, we've been arguing more lately, so I'll chalk it up to that," He stated to me after fixing his hands to his hips in a bold stance. Fuck is this guy hitting on me? I really didn't pin him as the sort.

"Hey girl, I see what you're thinking right now. Don't worry, my brother here ain't intending to break his vows."

"Thanks, Shane, but I'm sure Laurel here understands,"

"Oh yeah, no, I completely understand. Why was it you wanted to talk again?" I asked, filled with relief that this was the case.

"Well, I heard you're well on your way to a promotion, so I thought I'd sum up the situation for you. The magician Zatara was on stage performing her magic when some guy walked on stage in a black suit and all followed by another in a brown trench coat." Informed Rick.

"Calls himself Dark" Chimed in Shane whilst slinging his shotgun over his back and resting his arms on it.

"Right he did, though we can't ID anyone called Dark and looking like him yet, then again we also can't identify the other man he was with. English, blonde, scruffy stubble sorta thing." Described Rick. Hold on English? Blonde? Scruffy? John should be sleeping off his last drinking night right now? What the hell was he doing at the crime scene? "You might wanna right these down, Laurel,"

"Oh right, sorry, I thought I recognised that description. I can't be though sorry!" I yelped as I hurriedly grabbed my notepad from my jacket pocket and a pen along with it.

*Trench coat
*2 men
*Zatanna Zatara
*Magic show
*Officer Rick Grimes and his partner Shane Walsh

"Right, got that part? What happened next, Grimes?"

"The man in the suit announced himself to the crowd shocking the hostess. It seems as if this clearly wasn't planned, but she seemed to recognise them in my opinion. Then he turned to the other guy, gave a signal, and he unleashed a ball of fire, and Miss Zatara disappeared. It almost didn't look like a special effect.". Right, so this is seemingly more and more like John, and he killed this woman???

"Hey Rick, I think you're over doing this, alright. Let the poor woman make her own way. This case is just some publicity stunt. Don't worry, you're goanna be detective Wilson in no time, but this case will flatten your career it's stupid." Sinicly called up Shane as he gave me an apologetic look. Magic or not, I can't let this case go, especially if this performer was dead now.

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